If you’re looking to make your chickens coop a little more roomy, there are plenty of ideas in this blog post. Whether you want to keep them safe from predators or free-range with fresh veggies and grains, these designs will inspire new bird owners everywhere!
The “chicken coop ideas for small backyard” is a blog post that has been written by the author. The writer discusses 27 different chicken coop ideas to help you create your own cute country living yard.
Whether or whether you live on a farm, you may appreciate the value of farm-fresh eggs if you love a great, handmade omelet for morning. We’re willing to guess that fresh eggs from your chickens are the primary motivation for building a chicken coop in your backyard. That is why installing a chicken coop in your backyard is one of the greatest backyard design ideas!
When it comes to raising confident roosters and happy hens, giving your chickens enough space to wander is crucial. Not everyone, however, has a farm or a significant piece of property. We’re here to help you get started with our 27 top chicken coop designs, even if your backyard is on the smaller side.
1. Traditional Red Barn
This chicken coop resembles a traditional red barn. Barns have been painted red for centuries for reasons other than beauty. Farmers used ferrous oxide (rust) to their paints, which they manufactured from natural resources, to make barns red. Rust’s crimson tint efficiently prevented fungus and moss from developing on barn walls and beams, effectively sealing and preserving the wood from decay. To give your chicken coop this vintage barn appearance, you can simply acquire non-toxic paint in a classic hue of red today.
2. New Development
Although new construction may not have the lived-in feel of a historic coop, it is sometimes the best option. You may choose pressure-treated wood for your DIY project since it resists dampness, mildew, termite damage, and decay. Pressure-treated woods, on the other hand, contain copper-based preservatives that might seep into the soil and damage your hens. Consider using a naturally rot-resistant hardwood like Cedar if you want raw wood.
Alternatively, a softwood may be used (such as Douglas Fir, Pine, Spruce, or Hemlock). If you choose a softwood, be sure to seal it with a non-toxic sealer to preserve it against moisture, termites, and rotting.
3. Signage that is ultra-rustic
We adore the concept of hanging a hand-carved wooden sign on your chicken coop to promote your chickens’ delicious eggs. With its intentionally misspelled wording (though there’s no shame in using spell-check), this unusual sign adds a humorous touch of character. We really like the beautiful diamond-shaped window, which complements the garden shed-style chicken coop’s peaked roof.
4. Poultry House of Portneuf
This Canadian chicken house from Portneuf County, Quebec, takes coop design to a new level with its brilliant orange roof and crisp white cladding. Chickens, believe it or not, were formerly supposed to be colorblind. Chickens, on the other hand, may be able to discern a broader range of colors than humans, according to research. A bright orange roof will pick up the lovely golden tones of fall foliage, and it could even capture the attention of your chickens.
5. Stilted House
A hen house constructed on stilts is an alternative to a ground-level coop. This chicken coop features a raised design that keeps it off the moist ground, where mildew and termites may thrive. Because your hens may hang out below the platform, it provides extra protection from predators. A hungry coyote will also have a harder time stealing a sleeping chicken from a coop hanging from the ceiling. Remember to take the ramp down at night.
Sod Roof in the Frontier Style
The ordinary chicken coop on the American frontier would have looked somewhat like this once upon a time. The fundamental function of a coop has always been to shelter hens from the elements and predators. Even if this particular chicken house is no longer in use, you may nevertheless emulate the past by putting a sod roof on the top of your coop. A sod roof is both environmentally friendly and will keep your coop cool on hot days.
7. Go bold
Your hens will have plenty to crow about with vivid turquoise walls like these. Choose any color you choose, but make sure it’s non-toxic paint. Despite their outmoded image for being color-blind, bright color selections may even register visually with your chickens.
8. A Mobile Home
A chicken coop on wheels allows you to move the poultry hut into the center of a field, giving your birds lots of space to explore. A movable hen house makes it simple to provide a wonderful living for your hens. This chicken house on wheels is surrounded by grass and open space on all sides, making it the epitome of luxurious living.
9. Comfortable Bedding
As an alternative to hay, which may get moldy, consider straw bedding. Wood shavings, such as soft Pine, may also be used. Cedar shavings, on the other hand, should be avoided. Cedar essential oils, which are produced when the wood is shaved, cause allergies in chickens. Also, keep your hens away from sawdust, which may cause respiratory issues.
Chicken Wire No. 10
The flexible, galvanized steel grid-like design on the hen house’s entrance is formed of fine wire. Chicken wire, often known as poultry netting, has long been the gold standard for poultry fence. Chicken wire may also be found in a hexagonal design as an alternate to the square pattern illustrated above. Staple the wire to the rear of the door frame, then hammer the staples and additional wire in place to prevent any sharp edges from protruding.
11. Increase the tempo
To provide your hens the best slope for on-loading and unloading, set your chicken coop ramp at a 45-degree slant. The ridges (or pleats) affixed to this ramp make it simpler to climb and descend, ensuring that your fowl does not slide down on slippery days. You may also install a simple hook system at the top of the coop ramp to make it readily detachable.
Hen Party No. 12
The picturesque English countryside of the 1800s comes to mind while looking at this Victorian-era hen house. Although a brick barn is no longer considered appropriate for rearing hens, it was formerly a traditional place to keep chickens. Brick constructions compensate for their lack of ventilation and illumination by offering protective walls that are quickly warmed by sunlight. A protective outside buffer, such as an external brick wall, will allow hens to peck and wander in the safety of a partly enclosed farmyard.
Morning Harvest 13
Your chickens’ egg production will be at its optimum during the summer months. Plan to visit your chicken coop with a basket at least twice a day to gather fresh eggs. Harvesting eggs is best done in the morning, preferably before 10 a.m. Begin by gathering the eggs that have not been immediately laid on by hens. If there are any drowsy chickens still sleeping peacefully on their nests, gently take one up and retrieve the eggs before returning the bird to her resting spot.
14. The Ideal Perch
If your hens are allowed to walk freely in your garden or farmyard, a split-rail fence might provide the ideal perch. Chickens can fly up to ten feet high for distances of up to forty or fifty feet, despite being mostly ground-based birds.
Provide a split-rail fence where your earthbound birds may flutter and perch to give them something to grasp for. Just keep an eye out for hawks, who are known to feed on chicks. A hawk is an airborne predator, so if no one is looking, it may easily take advantage of a hen on a fence.
15. Housing in Rows
Your hens need at least ten square feet of room per bird to spread out their feathers properly. This is an excellent example of cozy quarters where your chickens may sleep in rows. During the day, though, make sure they have adequate space to explore outside their coop. This will make them happier, healthier, and more productive, with significantly less squabbling and henpecking.
16. Children’s-Friendly
This coop’s modest entrance is precisely the appropriate height for your poultry and children. The proportions of this chicken house are ideal for children to learn how to care for the chickens and collect fresh eggs from the hens. You may also use fake grass to give a soft, weather-resistant coating for your outdoor chicken ramp, as seen here.
Chicken Stoop No. 17
A sliding coop door, such as this one, enables hens to enter from the ramp (also known as a stoop) that goes up from the chicken run. This chicken shack has the look of a contemporary farmhouse thanks to its unusual blend of a worn wooden stoop and a slick aluminum entrance. We like how the old and modern coexist together here.
Barnyard Pals (18.)
Who says chickens must stick to their own species? These chickens are broadening their horizons by engaging with a new kind of farm animal (or at least sharing the same space for a little while). The resident horse seemed to be unconcerned with the visitors.
19. Extend your horizons
This DIY, which utilized chicken wire to build a big chicken run close to the coop, is impressive. A chicken run is a secure yet open outdoor area where hens may mingle and wander about. You may see them foraging and dust bathing, which they do to cool off.
The inclusion of a wide tree limb, on which many chickens are perched, is what truly sets this chicken run apart. We recommend using a natural feature in your DIY chicken run, such as this.
20. The World Through a Window
Even chickens have the blues from time to time. Recent research has shown that chickens may experience feelings such as empathy, pleasure, and fear. If you want your hens to be happy and your rooster to crow “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” every morning, make sure your coop has enough windows for them to gaze outside.
Chicken Hut (number 21)
This hexagonal chicken hut’s yurt-style design is very similar to a Scandinavian sauna. It’s no surprise that these hens dislike going outdoors on a chilly day! Even on snowy mornings, sprinkle soft pine wood shavings down the ramp to entice your hesitant rooster to step outdoors.
King of the Farm (number 22)
The concrete and brick base of this old-world barn-style coop is topped with wide-plank wood painted in a rustic shade of blue. Although it may not have all of the contemporary conveniences you’re looking for in a backyard henhouse, it does pique your interest. It also serves as a reminder that keeping hens is almost synonymous with agricultural tradition.
Log Cabin #23
Homesteaders who enjoy the appearance of an original cottage in the woods will love this log cabin chicken coop. The corners of this coop have a rustic, hand-hewn look thanks to timber beams linked at right angles.
Hay for Cold Chickens (No. 24)
A henhouse shields its inhabitants from the elements all year. Chickens can withstand high temperatures, although they loathe being outside in the snow. Sprinkle hay and grain for feeding on snow-covered ground to encourage them. In the winter, chickens will need 1.5 times as much food, particularly in northern latitudes. During the winter months, your chickens’ egg output will naturally decrease. With the shorter days of winter, your hens will need more rest and leisure.
25. A Firm Groundwork
Consider laying a concrete platform on which to build your wooden chicken coop if you’re not afraid of big projects. In the summer, a concrete slab foundation helps keep your hen coop much cooler. It will help keep mice and termites at bay, as well as any rot caused by wet ground. To protect your hens’ feet, spread wood shavings on the floor.
Friends and Neighbors (No. 26)
Other farm animals, such as sheep or goats, will be naturally interested in interacting with your hens. The roosters have their own place here, which is enclosed by wire fencing, but they can also meet their animal neighbors who have their own fenced-in quarters. It’s a win-win situation.
27. When You’re With Good People
Your goat and rooster may even become pals. Having several types of fowl share the same place might be more difficult at times. Ducks and chickens, for example, do not get along well. When it comes to interaction, they are famously tough. But a rooster and a goat? Forever, best pals.
Wrap Up
When it comes to chicken coops nowadays, the sky is the limit. You may house your chickens in elegance with anything from prefabricated hen homes to portable chicken shelters. With these 27 finest chicken coop ideas, we’re convinced you’ll be able to create the ideal environment for raising confident roosters and happy hens!
Just make sure your hens have enough space to wander and that you take necessary steps to keep them safe from predators. Then you may enjoy the delight of gathering farm-fresh eggs with your family by rearing hens. The omelet will be the evidence!
The “free chicken coop plans pdf” is a list of 27 best chicken coop ideas for country living. The article also includes the materials you will need and how to build your own backyard chicken coop.
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