As the state bird of Texas, the bluebonnet is one of our most important natural resources. It’s a symbol for everything that makes Texas home to millions and it’s critical for all Texans. This guide will introduce you to some common back yard birds in your area so you can be sure not to miss any!
The “texas birds identification” is a guide that contains facts and information about the 22 bird species in the state of Texas. This includes their range, habitat, size, lifespan, and more.
Birdwatching is a popular pastime for people of all ages. Knowing how to recognize the most frequent backyard birds of Texas is vital for expanding your bird watching experience, whether you reside in Texas or are visiting.
In this post, we’ll look at the backyard birds of Texas and provide you with information on species identification as well as interesting recommendations for making your birdwatching experience a success!
The Texas State Bird is the Northern Mockingbird.
This rambunctious little Texas bird may be spotted chasing cats and singing all day in Texas backyard trees.
Mockingbirds are highly prevalent in Texas and can be seen almost anyplace, which is why they are the official bird of the state. These aren’t the shyest of animals, and they’ve been known to get into confrontations with cats who attempt to capture them, tormenting them by swooping down at them as they walk or taunting them as they climb up the tree.
These birds are easy to see since they will perch on a fencepost, an electrical wire, or a nearby limb so you can get a good look at them.
Mocking Bird Identification
When you’ll be able to spot a Mockingbird from a mile away while birding due to their demeanor, here are some identification hints in case you’re having trouble differentiating the backyard birds of Texas:
- Mockingbirds are mostly brown-gray in hue. Their wings have deeper gray and black tones with white patches that may be seen while perched or flying. They have a somewhat lighter gray underbelly than their back and head.
- They’re a medium-sized flock… With long legs, a tiny head, and a long, narrow beak, it’s roughly the size of a Robin.
- The tail of a mockingbird seems to be rather lengthy in relation to its body, particularly while in flight.
Listen to the calls of a mockingbird in the video below:
Barn Swallows, No. 2
The Barn Swallow is brightly colorful and probably one of Texas’ most attractive backyard birds, with vivid blue, purple, orange, and yellow colours.
Barn Swallows fly rapidly and in acute motions, catching insects from the air. They fly roughly 100 feet above the ground and are more timid than other Texas birds, so they’re easier to notice in the air than in a tree or along a fenceline. They’ll also fly in groups of two, three, or more, particularly if there are a lot of bugs in the vicinity.
Their nests, which may be found in the eaves of barns, covered decks, and the corners of house roofs or awnings, are one of the most distinguishing features of a Barn Swallow.
Barn Swallow Identification
Barn Swallows are easy to spot because to their distinctive elongated form and vibrant coloration. This is how:
- Barn Swallows are little birds, around the size of a sparrow and smaller than a Robin. They have a notably elongated, “coned” form while perching.
- The most distinguishing element is their coloration. Males have a deeper blue-black coloration on their heads and tails, a deep blue body, and yellowish-orange undersides and throats.
- The wings of a Barn Swallow are long and pointed, while the tail is short and wide, with deep feathering and a sharp fork at the end.
To hear a Barn Swallow’s call, watch the video below:
Doves of Mourning
Mourning Doves are plump and peaceful Texas birds with a delicate and melancholy demeanor. They may be seen on the upper branches of trees in the mornings and nights, and their sweet cooing noises can be heard. A Mourning Dove may quickly dart away in flight if startled, utilizing powerful wing beats to get away.
Because doves mate for life, they are usually observed alone or in pairs. They may also be found in open fields or on higher ground, such as telephone wires.
Mourning Dove Identification
Mourning Doves have a distinctive appearance that makes them difficult to overlook. Consider the following characteristics to help you identify a Mourning Dove:
- Mourning Doves have rounded, tiny heads and round, plump bodies. They’re a medium-sized bird, similar to a Robin in size.
- Their wings have a brownish-gray tint with visible black dots at the base. The white border on their feathers extends all the way to the tail.
- Mourning Doves have smaller black eyes and a soft, delicate look in the face, with a short, straight beak.
To hear a Mourning Dove’s call, watch the video below:
4. Woodpeckers with Gold Fronts
The Gold Fronted Woodpecker is a popular and colorful backyard bird found across Texas, from the Panhandle to Mexico. They’re normally seen alone, grasping the trunk of a tree and drilling holes in it with their formidable beaks.
Gold-fronted Woodpecker Identification
Aside from knowing where to look for a Gold Fronted Woodpecker, there are a few more methods to recognize it:
- A Fronted in Gold Bright yellow towards the rear of the skull and the base of the beak contrasts with orangey reds on the top of the head. Their bellies are a light grayish brown hue, with banded black and white on their backs and wings.
- They’re a medium-sized bird that’s somewhat bigger than a Robin and little smaller than a Crow.
- Their beaks are large and broad, and they have black rings around their eyes.
To hear a Gold Fronted Woodpecker’s call, watch the video below:
Red-tailed Hawks (nine)
This enormous, ominous Texas backyard bird is a predatory bird, with powerful claws and a sharp beak capable of shredding flesh. Red-tailed Hawks are the second-largest hawks in North America, and they live in Texas’ plains and pastures. They may be seen all year in Texas, although they are more common in the winter when hawks from farther north move south for the winter.
These hawks will most usually be seen circling high over a field.
Red-Tailed Hawk Identification
The Red-tailed Hawk is difficult to miss while birding in Texas since it is one of the state’s biggest birds. Here are a few methods to spot them:
- The sheer size of a Red-tailed Hawk is a strong indication. With a wingspan of up to 4 and a half feet, these hawks are somewhat smaller than a goose.
- When they’re flying, their coloration is a coppery brown-red, with the red being most noticeable under the tail and wings. Their wings are a deep brown on top and light and streaked on the underside.
- The eyes of a Red-tailed Hawk are big, spherical, and golden in hue.
To hear a Red-Tailed Hawk’s call, watch the video below:
6. Toronto Blue Jays
The Blue Jay derives its name honestly from its bright blues. These common birds may be found near trees that carry their preferred nuts, such as Oak Trees, at the border of a forest in visible tree branches, in parks, and near trees that bear their favorite nuts. They have a range of cries and will “caw” in trees before flying away without making a sound. Their calls are shorter and higher pitched, with calls that are seldom dragged out.
Blue Jay Identification
Due to their flashing blue tones, identifying a Blue Jay among the backyard birds of Texas is a simple feat. Here are some pointers to Blue Jay Identification:
- Not only does their vibrant blue hue stand out, but so does their pattering. Blue Jays are vivid blue in color, with blue tones running through their feathers. Their tail and feathers have a blue, white, and black pattern that looks nearly scale-like. Their faces and undersides have a whitish-gray color, with black around the eyes and along the sides of the head.
- A cone-shaped crest of feathers covers the top of their heads. This is a vivid blue hue, and it runs down the middle of their face.
- Blue Jays are medium-sized birds, similar to Robins.
To hear a Blue Jay’s call, watch the video below:
Sparrow of the House
These lovely, little Texas birds are smaller than common backyard birds (such as Robins) and not at all bashful. They may be found almost anyplace in Texas, including on sidewalks, in shops, and in backyards. You’ll usually find many where you find one, and you’ll hear them as well – House Sparrows prefer to make their presence known!
House Sparrow Identification
Though their small size makes them difficult to see at first, the ordinary House Sparrow is easy to recognize once you’ve spotted them:
- House Sparrows are brown in hue, both male and female. Males have greater diversity in their feathers than females, and a black “bib” that runs down their chin and to their chests. Their underbellies are grayish-white, with a brown pattern on their wings and backs. Female House Sparrows are uniformly brown.
- The physique of a House Sparrow is scrawny, with short legs and large chests. These little birds have rounded bodies, bigger heads, shorter tails, and stumpy feet.
- Their beaks are black or light yellow in color and are shorter and wider in breadth… much better for eating bugs and seeds!
To hear a House Sparrow’s call, watch the video below:
8. Titmouse with Tufts
The Tufted Titmouse, our last backyard bird species, is a little and charming bird. The Tufted Titmouse is about the same size as a House Sparrow, measuring about 5 or 6 inches from head to tail. These little birds may be seen at a backyard bird feeder, eating bird seed alongside Woodpeckers and Chickadees, or in forest regions.
Tufted Titmouse Identification
The Tufted Titmouse is a small, fast, and dull-colored bird that may be difficult to capture if you aren’t near a frequently used feeder. Whether you observe a little gray bird, use these steps to figure out if it’s a Tufted Titmouse:
- A Tufted Titmouse is a dull gray bird with a grayish-white underbelly and a black spot above the beak.
- They have a wonderful whistling sound and generally perform while perched on a branch.
- A Tufted Titmouse has a cone-shaped puff of feathers rising straight up from its head, similar to the Blue Jay’s (only the Titmouse’s is gray in color).
To hear a Tufted Titmouse’s call, watch the video below:
How to Improve Your Birdwatching Experience
We observe birds on a regular basis, but birding needs patience and a certain level of ability to be enjoyable. We’ll share some of our favorite birding tips with you right here!
1. Know your destination
Birds, like other creatures, have certain settings in which they dwell and will most often be discovered. You should go to field areas if you’re looking for a Red-tailed Hawk or a Mourning Dove, for example. A woodland border or perhaps a shop parking lot will be your best chance for other bird species.
Knowing where to search for the bird species you’re looking for is critical to having a successful birding trip.
2. Wear natural-toned clothing
When birdwatching, you’ll want to blend in as much as possible. Wearing earthy tones such as drab greens, browns, tans, and blacks can help you blend in with your surroundings and offer the local birds nothing to worry about.
3. Avoid making noises or moving quickly.
Birds are fearful animals that will flee if they hear or see anything that makes them uncomfortable. When birding, keep a safe distance from the bird to avoid frightening it, but near enough to get a good look with your binoculars or camera. Sit or stand extremely motionless, and only speak in hushed tones if necessary (if at all possible!).
After a few moments, you may attempt getting closer to the bird for a better photo… However, do not go too hastily! Even if you’re quiet, moving too quickly might shock and frighten a bird. As you approach near to a bird, proceed gently and cautiously, pausing only if the bird gets agitated by your presence.
4. Patience is a virtue that will not harm you!
Be patient, if nothing else. Many bird watchers may spend hours birdwatching in order to get the perfect photo or sight of a bird. During the day, birds are busy and may jump from branch to branch or along the ground. It may take a minute or more to gain a decent view of the bird, particularly if you’re in a densely forested location!
5. Experiment with Birdseed
Set some birdseed on the ground and stand back if you really want to get a good look at the local birds. After a few minutes, flocks of songbirds will arrive to explore, providing an excellent opportunity to see the species. Of course, you won’t get natural shots this way, but if you simply want to get a feel for the birds in the region, this is a nice choice.
Last Thoughts
Texas is a large state with many beautiful and interesting wildlife, including birds! Texas is home to some of the most beautiful birds on the planet, from the tiny Titmouse to the menacing Red-tailed Hawk.
We hope you found this guide to Texas backyard birds useful in your quest for improved bird identification! Enjoy your bird viewing!
The “backyard birds of north texas” is a book that helps identify the birds in your backyard. The book includes information on the bird’s habitat, diet, and more.
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