A skunk can’t climb a fence, but they are experts at getting around perimeter fences. One way to make your home more secure is to use the “honey trap” trick with bait that’s irresistible for humans: Skunks love peanut butter!
The “can skunks climb” is a question that has been asked before. The answer to the question is “No, they cannot.”
Except in arid climates, skunks may be found all throughout the United States. The Skunk with Stripes, the Skunk with a Spot, the hog-nosed skunk, and the hooded skunk are the four varieties of skunks found in America. So, do skunks have the ability to scale fences built to keep them out? Because their climbing skills differ, the answer may very well depend on their species.
Skunks of the Most Common Species
Let’s take a closer look at each of the four most prevalent American skunk species before we get into how to keep skunks out of your yard.
Skunk with Stripes
These are black with big white stripes on their nose (called a snout) and a V-neck mark on their back. They are the biggest skunk and can weigh up to 14 pounds. The Skunk with Stripes is not a good climber. It has very long nails, which make it difficult for it to grasp onto things. It will occasionally climb a fence but can climb trees to the height of a chimney or attic.
Skunk with a Spot
There are two types of Skunk with a Spots – eastern and western. Eastern Skunk with a Spots have broken white stripes along their back and a black tip to the tail. Their tail is shorter than other skunks. Western Skunk with a Spots have broad white stripes on their back and a white tip to their tails. These skunks, which are much smaller and faster than Skunk with Stripess, can climb down trees head-first, with eastern Skunk with a Spots being more of a climbing animal than the western type.
Skunks with a hog nose
These skunks are rather enormous, weighing between 2 and 6 pounds. From snout to tail, they feature a single wide white stripe. They are more diggers than climbers, with large claws and snouts.
Skunks with Hoods
These have tufts of fur around their necks. Some have two thin white stripes along their back and tail. Others have one single thick white stripe and a split, white tail. They are often mistaken for Skunk with Stripess, but their tail is longer and their fur softer. They rarely climb anything as they are mostly ground dwellers.
What Is The Best Skunk-Repellent Fence?
Although not all skunks jump fences, those that can may be a nuisance. When they want to get into anything, they will do all they can to get in. With their keen, strong claws, they can easily scale timber, chain-link, and other types of fences. Climbing low fences and using trees and branches to get access to rooftops and yards are common occurrences for these animals.
A strong metal fence around 2 feet tall is the finest barrier to keep them out of your yard. The skunk won’t be able to climb your fence since the smooth material prevents it from sinking its lengthy claws into it. This will cost more than a wood fence, but it may solve your skunk issue. It should also keep opossums out since they are great climbers. Keep your wood or chain link fence in good condition if you don’t have a metal fence.
Skunks are superb diggers, even if they don’t climb. Their claws are strong and powerful, and their teeth are sharp. They are skilled in burrowing underground to get access to your yard, as well as beneath or inside your home. Fences must extend far enough into the earth to prevent people from tunneling under them. They should be a foot or two below ground level.
How Can I Keep Skunks From Invading My Property?
While skunks may be useful in your yard because they eat bugs, many people dislike them because they create a terrible odor, can transmit illness, and can cause damage to your yard by digging and burrowing. Skunks are often seen in sheds, garages, porches, and homes, as well as beneath structures. They’ll build dens in tree holes, stumps, fallen logs, rock heaps, and woodpiles, among other places.
They are scavengers that will try to eat whatever they can find, including rodents, birds, insects, birdseed, pet food, vegetables from your vegetable patch, chickens or eggs from your coop, or waste. Your grass may be damaged as a result of their digging. Skunks are nocturnal creatures that wander about at night and may leave a lot of holes in your garden, ranging in width and depth from 1 to 3 inches.
Make your property as undesirable to skunks as possible to reduce the chance of skunk infestation. Skunks may scale fences, climb trees, or dig to get access to your property if they are attracted to anything there.
- Make your yard presentable. Remove any undesirable timber, rockpiles, fence posts, tree stumps, or other anything that a skunk could find attractive as a home. Any holes in your deck or foundations should be repaired.
- No pet food should be left outside. This will reduce the rodent population as well as the number of skunks that consume rodents. Skunks won’t be able to access to bird feeders if they’re hung up. As soon as the product in your vegetable garden or fruit trees is ready, pick it.
- Clean up fallen fruit, nuts, berries, branches, and leaves on a regular basis since they hold insects that skunks like.
- All garbage should be placed in cans with tight-fitting, locking lids.
- Fill any animal burrows or holes to eliminate the possibility of a skunk settling in.
- Mesh fence, metal flashing, robust obstacles, boards, and hardware cloth all be used to close off entrances to your yard and residence. Branches that are near to your house should be cut.
- Skunks are nocturnal and light-sensitive. To keep them away, install night lights around your property. Skunks are sensitive to sound as well, however playing music all night is likely to irritate your neighbors, so this method may only work if you live on a remote property.
- A skunk repellant may also be used. There are liquid and granular repellents, as well as an electrical repellent that sprays water at the skunk if it gets too close.
- If you detect a skunk in your home or garage, lock all but one door, which the skunk may use to escape. If you attempt to get rid of the skunk with food, it will associate food with your residence and return in the hopes of receiving more.
Last Thoughts
If the animal refuses to leave your property, you will need to hire a professional wildlife removal firm. If you decide to catch the skunk, you should first get instruction on how to do it. Keep in mind that capturing a skunk on your own isn’t always successful. Attempting this on your own may be nerve-wracking, especially given the possibility of getting sprayed by the skunk.
If you do not relocate the skunk to a suitable spot where it will have ample food and shelter, it may return, or new ones may enter. Before capturing the skunk, make sure you’re aware with the local rules and regulations regarding trapping and moving this sort of animals in your region. Trapping wildlife is prohibited in certain states.
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