Your neighbor’s dog is in your yard again, and you know it smells. Your first instinct might be to use harsh chemicals or boiling hot water, but these methods are not the best idea. We’ve got a natural solution that will get rid of the smell permanently without any fuss. Check out our DIY recipe for getting rid of dog urine odor fast!

The “how to get rid of dog urine smell outside” is a question that has been asked before. The best way to remove the odor from the backyard is by using vinegar and baking soda.

Anyone who has a pet is aware that one of the things they may have to deal with is foul odors. Even if your dog has been pottying in the backyard for years with no odor, it might appear out of nowhere for a variety of reasons. We’ll go over how to get rid of dog pee stench in the backyard as well as how to avoid it in the future in this post.


What Makes Your Backyard Smell Like Dog Urine?

Perhaps you’ve detected an odor in your backyard that wasn’t there before, and you’re curious as to what caused it. Dog urine scents may be caused by a variety of factors. Knowing what is producing the stink can assist you in not only removing but also avoiding dog urine odor in your backyard.

Urinating in Specific Locations

You may notice that the stench of dog urine is stronger in certain regions than in others. This is due to the fact that dogs prefer to go to the same spots to relieve themselves, resulting in a stronger odor.

Surfaces with Pores

If your dog marks a porous surface, such as concrete, it will soak it all in. Over time, you may notice a stronger odor and discoloration in their chosen area. Although there are ways to clean Surfaces with Pores, you can also prevent it from happening in the future. We’ll talk about both later in the article.

Medical Concerns

If you never noticed dog urine odor in your backyard and it has come on suddenly, it’s essential to rule out any Medical Concerns. With specific issues, the smell can increase or change, so it’s something worth paying attention to.

  • Medications might alter the pH of your dog’s urine, making it smell more powerful. Before altering your dog’s medication, ask your vet about the potential negative effects so you can be prepared.
  • Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are rather frequent in dogs and may result in a bad urine odor. UTIs are more common in female dogs, although both male and female dogs may have them. There may be an increase in urination frequency or bloody/cloudy urine in addition to a change in odor. If you see anything strange, contact your veterinarian so that the appropriate treatment may be prescribed.

How to Remove Dog Urine Odor from Your Yard

Depending on where the dog urine stench is coming from, there are a few options for getting rid of it in your backyard. While the procedure will be same no matter what, there will be some differences based on the area.

The first step is to locate the source.

First, figure out where the odor is coming from. Because dogs like to eliminate their waste in the same spots, you should only have to clean those areas to eliminate the stink. To find the source of your dog’s urination, pay attention to where he is peeing.

You might use a black light at night to illuminate the problem regions.

Step 2: Make Sure the Area Is Clear

While cleaning the area, make sure that any dogs are kept inside. Remove any outside furniture, toys, or other anything that could be in the way of your cleaning.

Step 3: Clean Up the Area

  • If the area is moist, a hose with a nozzle attachment and a little soap should be enough to get rid of the scents. Set your nozzle to the greatest pressure and spray the area for a few minutes, or until it is totally coated in soapy water, then thoroughly rinse.
  • If the urine is dry and the area is porous, such as cement, combine a little quantity of bleach with water and coat the surface. Allow the mixture to rest for at least 10 minutes before thoroughly rinsing with water. If the odor persists after cleaning, the area may need to be agitated.
  • Garden lime should be sprinkled on grassy areas or other outdoor organic surfaces where dog urine is present. Garden lime may be purchased at a garden store or online. Because the urine has likely seeped deep into the soil, you’ll need to saturate it to totally eliminate the regions of stink, more is better than less. Soak the garden lime in water for a few minutes. This technique should not only eliminate any remaining scents, but it should also neutralize the acidity generated by the dog urine, allowing your grass to stay greener.

Step 4: Iterate as needed.

It’s possible that the stench won’t go gone entirely in certain cases. If the stink persists after you’ve completed all of the instructions, repeat them until your backyard is odor-free.

If your dog continues to go pee in the same places, make sure to clean up after him on a frequent basis to keep the stench at bay. However, the simplest method to maintain your garden smelling fresh is to avoid the stink in the first place, as we’ll explore later in this article.

Other Options for Dog Urine Removal

If the previous solutions don’t work or you don’t have the essential resources, there are a few further options. Other easy techniques to get rid of dog urine odor are listed below.

Make Your Soil Work For You

If your dog relieves themselves on hard-packed dirt, it is most likely scorching in the sun and emitting an unpleasant odor. Take a shovel and stir the earth after they’ve gone potty. This causes the soil to be disrupted, allowing it to biodegrade and neutralize the microorganisms that are causing the stink.

Cleaning Products with Enzymes

If you have a lot of urine scents in your yard, you should try an enzymatic cleaning. They function by destroying the bacteria that generates the unpleasant odor in the urine. While these cleaners are most often used inside, they may also be used outside.


If you just have water on you, this incredibly eco-friendly approach may help to lessen and even eliminate dog urine stench. If you’re going to use water, you’ll have to act quickly and use it after your dog has gone to the potty.

Keep a watering can handy so you can immediately douse the urine with water and use it when your dog has finished going potty. Another solution is to invest in oscillating sprinklers, which will not only maintain your lawn healthy but will also assist to reduce stink.

Soda (baking)

Soda (baking) is regularly known for and used for varies household cleaning remedies. It can also be used on your concrete and grass to reduce pet odor smells. Sprinkle it directly on the grass, concrete, or soil and let it sit until the moisture is fully absorbed and rinse with water.

For Surfaces with Pores such as concrete, after sprinkling the Soda (baking) and scrub it with just enough water to make it sud. Rinse thoroughly afterward.


Another home item that may be used to clean and neutralize scents is vinegar. Simply combine a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with 4 cups of water in a spray bottle and treat the affected region. Allow it to rest for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water.


Citrus liquids, such as lemon, may also be utilized to get rid of unpleasant pet scents in the yard. Simply combine a teaspoon of lemon juice with 4 cups of water and use in a spray bottle as needed, similar to the vinegar combination above. Allow it to rest for a few minutes before rinsing with water.

In the Future, How to Prevent Dog Urine Odor

It may be simpler to avoid dog pee odor after you’ve figured out how to get rid of it than it is to go through the techniques above over and again. The procedures listed below should help reduce the noxious odor in the future.

Build a Simple Dog Run

It doesn’t have to be a difficult effort to build your own dog run in your backyard. A dog run provides a designated area for your pet to run about and relieve themselves without the need of a leash. This is a fantastic technique to not only decrease odor but also provide your dog with a safe space to exercise.

You’ll only need a few items after you’ve decided on the best location for your dog run in your backyard. Check out this post for a complete step-by-step guide on making your own dog run.

Make Your Backyard Dog-Friendly by Adding a Dog Lawn

You can prevent your dog from urinating and spreading stench around your property by using a dog lawn. The great thing about dog lawns is that they are simple to clean and move if necessary. There are many variations on the market that are particularly made for dogs to relieve themselves.

Although dog lawns are most often utilized inside, they may also be used in the backyard.


If you notice dog urine odors that weren’t there before, it could be build up over time or even a medical issue. Once you rule out any Medical Concerns, you can begin the process of removing the odor with a simple step-by-step process explained above. In the future, building a dog run or having a designated dog lawn can help prevent odors from urine and dog poop in the future. If nothing else, take your pup for walks around the neighborhood or at a dog park.

Check read this post for more ideas on how to improve the fragrance of your backyard.

The “how to get rid of dog urine smell in house” is a common problem that many people have. The article talks about how to get rid of the odor fast and without any damage.

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