Possums in backyards can be a nuisance as they destroy much of your home’s property. The best way to get rid of them is by trapping the animals and then giving them away or releasing into uninhabited areas.

Possums are a nuisance in your backyard and it can be difficult to get rid of them. Here is an article on how to scare possums away from your house.

In so many respects, these creatures are outliers. They are the country’s sole native marsupial species, possess the most teeth of any mammal, and have a prehensile tail. But I’m guessing the only thing on your mind is how to get rid of possums in your yard.

Fortunately, many of the activities you can take to manage these creatures can protect you from other pests as well. As a result, it’s worthwhile to take charge of at least a portion of the issue.


Recognize Your Enemy

To determine how to approach this challenge, you must first understand the animal’s life history. That will provide you with the information you need to make your yard unattractive to them, as well as assist you in taking more serious steps if deterrence fails.

Possums, sometimes known as opossums, are tiny to medium-sized mammals that may weigh up to 13 pounds. Surprisingly, animals living near humans in cities have grown to be almost a third heavier than their rural counterparts.

Possums are lonely creatures that come out at night to feed and scavenge. It’s an opportunistic creature that eats anything from frogs to seeds to insects — and everything in between. They’ll even devour dead animals on the side of the road!

Possums are busy all year, with only short periods of rest in their dens when the weather changes. They prey on other tiny animals and birds, although they’re frequently on the losing end of the predation race.

Their worst adversaries are bobcats, coyotes, and raccoons, with humans being the most dangerous. Roads are another indirect opponent, since many animals end up as roadkill that is scavenged by people.

Possums are prolific creatures, which might complicate your search for a long-term solution. They produce multiple litters a year, with each one producing up to 13 young.

Possum Games

This well-known phrase outlines the animal’s defense method against predators such as you. When presented with danger, the possum will pretend to be dead in order to scare away a fox or other predator. They finish the rouse by closing their eyes and emitting a foul odor, causing them to flee the cadaver.

We’re not sure how effectively it works in practice, but given that we still have possums, it must be effective.

The Pros and Cons of Hunting and Trapping

Possums, in compared to other pests such as rats, are rather kind. They stay away from people and fights. They quickly learn a household’s customs and activity levels, and they avoid the area if they suspect a danger.

They also don’t offer a big rabies hazard, which is surprising. Possums can even withstand being bitten by dangerous snakes such as rattlesnakes with minimal harm.

You must also think about the unforeseen implications. It’s one thing to get rid of the possum. You do, however, open the door to other pests that the animal eats and controls, such as mice and snails.

Possums, like many other animal species, transmit ticks and other parasites, which you do not want in your yard. They may also spread leptospirosis, a disease that can affect both you and your pets.

If your dog or outdoor cats haven’t been vaccinated against this bacterial infection, we highly advise you to speak with your doctor about the hazards. It’s not a common element of your veterinarian’s recommended vaccination routine.

There’s also the harm possums do to your garden, compost pile, and garbage cans. When you’re already late for work, seeing an upturned can with waste strewn over your yard may be aggravating.

Using More Harsh Measures to Get Rid of Possums in Your Backyard

Other obstacles stand in the way of a more long-term solution. Possums are classified as game animals in several jurisdictions. This introduces a whole new set of rules and regulations to the equation.

To lawfully take them, you may need to get a license or permission. If you choose the hunting method, there is usually a set season with time limits.

Trapping is just as difficult, with identical rules and a higher danger. Because of the health risks, you should avoid contact with the living or dead animals. Furthermore, you cannot just release a live possum anyplace. You’ll very certainly be subject to rules dictating what you can and cannot do on this subject.

You may buy traps to perform the job for you. If you don’t want to release it, it’s up to you to kill it. Take that outcome into consideration.

When dealing with nuisance animals, the second alternative is to stick to your rights. Many places will let you take control of the situation, particularly if the bug is causing property damage. It’s possible that you’ll simply have to pay a little cost.

However, if you wish to use a firearm, you’ll need to meet extra standards. They often provide information about where you may shoot in regard to public routes and human habitations. There’s also the possibility of accidentally killing a non-targeted animal.

We can’t stress enough the need of using gloves while handling the corpse, no matter what. Bleach solution should be used to clean up any blood, pee, or other bodily fluids. Better still, as per rules, toss away the towel or sheet you used to transfer it.

Alternatively, you might engage a wildlife control expert. It’s a handy choice, but it’ll set you back money. There’s also the possibility that another animal may move in to take over the vacant area. Possums have a limited lifespan, therefore it won’t be long before the problem arises again. Certainly not a solution.

Let’s go to work on resolving the issues, beginning with the most effective technique for bringing it under control and avoiding recurrence.


The thing to remember about possums is that they are more migratory than many other nuisance animal species, moving about every few days to find new territory. They could simply move on to the next intriguing site if you wait long enough.

Of course, if they have a den on your land, there is an exemption.

The key to getting rid of possums in your yard is to avoid providing the items that the animals are hunting for. They’re on the lookout for three things:

Your job is to make sure you’re not unwittingly offering any of them. You don’t want the possums to come to your house on their rounds of the neighborhood, even if they don’t become permanent residents.

Water is in short supply.

Possums like forested environments with access to water. It makes no difference whether you have a stream running down your property line or a koi pond as part of your landscaping. If you have a birdbath, install a squirrel baffle to make it more difficult for pests to climb it.

Also, check to see whether your rain barrel is leaking. At night, bring your pet’s water dishes inside as well.

All the Wrong Places to Look for Food

Possums, as previously said, aren’t choosy about what they consume. Their acute sense of smell aids them in locating the treats no matter where they are. Just don’t make it simple for them to find you.

If at all possible, keep your rubbish can inside the garage. If you must store it outdoors, ensure sure the lid is secure. Also, keep it away from trees and other structures that might make it easier for them to access the contents.

Don’t forget about the possums that aren’t visible while thinking about how to get rid of them in your backyard. A full bird feeder, for example, is the equivalent of putting out the welcome mat, not only for these pests but for anybody else who stumbles into the stockpile.

We also urge that you only feed songbirds during the autumn and winter months, when they are most in need of food. They have lots of alternatives in the spring and summer and don’t necessarily need this supplement.

Furthermore, it will save you money.

Are you lucky enough to have an apple or pear tree on your property? Possums, as well as deer and raccoons, will enjoy the fruit on the ground. Recruit the youngsters to pick up whatever has fallen on the ground before the local fauna discovers it.

Do you have a compost container where you save your scraps? Make sure the lid is securely fastened. Cover the delectable morsels within with less attractive meals like leaves or grass clippings, at the absolute least.

Give me some cover!

Possums are not without their foes. It takes a lot of energy to keep an eye out for them. Keep your shrubs, trees, and other plants well-trimmed to eliminate their cover. Instead of stacking wood against the shed or home, store it in a lockable container.

Use a padlock or at the very least a bolt lock to keep scavenging animals out of any outbuildings. Their opposable thumbs are limited in what they can do. They still have to find out how it works, after all.

Using Alternative Deterrents

Other strategies to deter a marauding possum on the lookout for food, water, and shelter may be added to these procedures. The animals will be startled by a motion-sensor light, ideally with an alarm, and your yard will become less appealing.

You may also use a motion-activated sprinkler to keep possums out of your garden and other parts of your yard by spraying them with cold water.

When utilizing these sorts of gadgets, we prefer this alternative. Wildlife will quickly learn that a security light or siren does not pose a danger. You may frighten them away a few times, but they’ll eventually figure it out.

Then you’re right back where you started.

Alternatively, you may relocate them to different areas of your yard to maintain the fear element. Another method is to employ decoys such as coyotes as a decoy. To continue to deceive them, we recommend getting one that moves.

You may take care of your insect issue by mixing it up. Possums are a good approach to maximize the usage of deterrents because of their fleeting nature. Their way of life makes it simple to put into practice.

Using a range of strategies is also a good idea. It’s better if you use it a lot. Possums’ flexible nature will lead them away from your yard in search of easier prey.

Use preventative tactics as well if you wish to catch or shoot the possum. The local people seems unconcerned about how the insect was eradicated. Another animal will most certainly invade your area next, as a consequence of this course.

Taking Care of Possums in Your Home

We understand your anger and aggravation if possums have made their way into your home. It’s one thing to have a garden, but it’s another to have a hot house. It also puts you and your family at danger of parasites and illnesses carried by the animals.

We’ll start with prevention.

Tree branches that are close to the building should be pruned. Possums are superb climbers and will take advantage of an easy path to a new den if one is available. If you’ve considered planting vines such as English ivy on the side of your home, keep in mind that it’ll be another step up and inside your home.

Other things to think about are:

  • Putting on a chimney cap
  • Placing plastic spikes at sites of entrance, such as gutters
  • Applying flashing to edges that may allow for easy climbing

Barriers like these are effective, set-it-and-forget-it solutions that are on the job 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They’ll pay for themselves in no time.

Getting Rid of a Household Pet

If you’re in this situation, we empathize with you. Your strategy entails two steps: ensuring the area is empty and shutting it off against re-entry.

One of the reasons we avoid employing poisons is because of this. Animals will return to their safe haven, i.e., their den, to die. You don’t want them to return to your home or attic since the stink will be unbearable.

Even though it’s inconvenient, making sure the possum is out of your house before closing off its entrance to your home is a smart idea. That usually entails working late at night after the animal has completed its nighttime rounds.

You may be comfortable that if you stick to a strategy that incorporates prevention, you will succeed. You can do it.

Possums: Some Final Thoughts

Possums, like rats and raccoons, aren’t usually at the top of the list of wildlife problems. They may, however, be destructive and bring a slew of problems, particularly if they make your house their lair. That’s when you have to take command and figure out how to keep them off your property.

Possums’ lifestyle and habits are ideal for erecting obstacles and deterrents to make your land less appealing. And, with patience and tenacity, you’ll typically triumph in the end.

Possums, like many other animals, try to preserve their energy. Everything you do is a waste of time and calories for them. Keep at it and you’ll find a variety of techniques to get rid of possums in your property. The battle will be won by you.

The “how to get rid of opossum in yard” is a question that has been asked many times. The best way to remove the possums from your backyard is to use a repellent that is effective and safe for both you and your pets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do possums hate most?

A: Possums hate the smell of cats. They will run away from a cat in an instant, and many do not even know that they are being hunted by them until it is too late to escape.

What will keep possums away?

A: There are a few things that can help keep possums away. You can use mothballs on your windows, you could sprinkle cayenne or chili powder around the perimeter of your property and you should also look into setting up an exclusion zone to prevent them from entering in the first place.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a possum?

A: The fastest way to get rid of a possum is by first giving it some space. If you see one in your yard, try walking away and then call animal control or the police so they can come remove the possum for you.

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