Plywood is not the best choice for a dance floor, but it’s certainly cheaper than vinyl and other materials. Plus, you can use this method to make your own furniture, wall art or more!

The “outdoor dance floor” is a DIY project that can be made in 2022. The dance floor can be made out of plywood or other materials, and it’s perfect for parties!

How to Make a Dance Floor Out of Plywood (+ Other Methods!) in 2022

Have you ever fantasized of putting your “Dancing with the Stars” abilities to the test and dancing beneath the stars? Perhaps you’d want to finish off the romantic outdoor wedding. That’s exactly what learning how to create a dance floor out of plywood will accomplish!

Before there was ever a written language, people were dancing. It’s no surprise that dancing has become ingrained in our culture. A dance floor is guaranteed to have your guests tapping their toes, whether it’s for a backyard wedding or a gathering with friends!

When it comes to choosing the ideal dance floor for your party, you have a lot of alternatives. With a budget, preparation time, and objective in mind, we’ll look at four options:

  • Make your own dance floor out of wood, utilizing salvaged pallets as an alternative.
  • Make the most of what you have: Dirt, concrete, or a deck
  • Buy
  • Rent

Any of these alternatives will have you spinning or doing the wobble for your first dance as Mr. and Mrs. in no time! Continue reading to find out how to create a dance floor out of plywood (as well as other materials!).

Contents Table of Contents


Option 1: Make Your Own Dance Floor

With these basic steps, creating a dance floor is easier than you would think. All you’ll need is a single trip to the hardware store. You can complete this floor in one Saturday if you enlist the aid of friends and neighbors.

It’s also possible to make the foundation out of salvaged pallets and a plywood floor. You’ll be doing the cha-cha slide with cash in your pocket if you choose this option!

Step 1: Figure out how much of a floor you’ll need.

A good rule of thumb is to estimate that 30-40% of your guests will be dancing at any one moment. To dance, each pair will need around 9 square feet (or 4.5 square ft. per dancer).

In a party of 100 people, around 40 people will be dancing at the same time. This implies you’ll need roughly 180 square feet if you multiply 40 (number of dancers) by 4.5 sq ft (space per dancer).

Because we’ll be learning how to create a dance floor out of plywood, we’ll be utilizing 4′ x 8′ plywood. Other floor sizes to consider are: 8′ x 8′, 12′ x 8′, 12′ x 16′, or 16′ x 16′.

Calculate the amount of space required for your gathering and choose the best-fitting size from the list above. We’ll be building a dance floor out of plywood that is 12′ x 16′, which is around 200 square feet and a good size for a party of 100 people, in our instructions on how to create a dance floor out of plywood. If you decide to use a different size, be sure you modify the numbers.

Step 2: Decide on a location

It’s time to choose a site now that you’ve calculated the size of your dance floor. Choose a location that is level and big enough to accommodate the dance floor’s measurements. Remember that not everyone will be dancing at the same time, so consider table and chair spacing in relation to the dance floor.

Step 3: Collect your materials

All of the goods you’ll need should be available at your local hardware store, making it a one-stop shop! Many stores, such as Home Depot, will cut your wood for free.


  • 6 12 inch plywood sheets
  • 30 8’x3′ 2’x3′ 2’x3′ 2’x3′ 2’x3′ 2 (Another option is to use recycled pallets instead of 2 x 3s for the base)
  • Screwdriver set
  • Nails
  • a screwdriver or a drill
  • Finish on the top of the floor (Tiles, dance mat, or paint)
  • 6 plates for mending

Cut 18 of the eight-foot boards into two 45-inch pieces using 2 x 3s. 12 of these 8-foot lengths should be kept.

Step 4: Lay the Foundation

Two eight-foot 2 x 3s put horizontally will serve as the foundation. To create a “ladder” effect, screw six 45″ pieces in between these boards as supports.

Step 5: Continue until you’ve made six bases.

Each foundation will hold a 12″ piece of plywood that will serve as the floor’s top.

Step 6: Attach the 12″ Plywood Sheets to the Tops of Each Base using screws or nails.

Place the plywood on top of the foundation and secure it using screws or nails. Each support should have two nails or screws. Four along each side length will securely support your floor.

You should now have 6 finished dance floor components to use in your own setup. You can watch how the bases were finished in this video.

Step 7: Finish the Dance Floor Sections by laying down the dance floor sections.

Lay down your dance floor in a 12′ by 16′ rectangle now that it’s nearly done. Before you begin shifting the bases, sketch out the arrangement on a piece of paper. Make sure it’s a rectangular shape.

The dance floor may be finished in a variety of ways. If you like the appearance of the wood, you can simply seal and weatherproof it.

While weatherproofing is not required, it is a good insurance policy if your floor will be exposed to the elements.

Keep in mind that the aim of your dance floor is to allow people to dance. If you don’t use a nonslip coating, your guests may slide more than Cha-Cha. Finish the dance floor’s top using one of the following options:

  • Paint: Paint is perhaps the most cost-effective way to get the most personalized appearance. You can use glow in the dark paint, write your initials, or even create a work of art. Take a peek at how this checkerboard-style floor was created.
  • Use vinyl floor sheets to make your dance floor appear like it belongs in a professional dance studio. Simply lay it out on top of your existing flooring. Take a peek at this look. The floor will need to be secured by binding it to the plywood or nailing the ends down.
  • Peel and stick tiles: If you want to make sure that all of the pieces come apart easily once you’re done, use peel and stick tiles like the ones shown here.
  • While the most costly option, a vinyl dance mat is a fantastic choice if you intend to use it often. When not in use, the mat may be rolled across the wood floor.


Low-Reflection Vinyl Marley Dance Flooring for Practice and Performance of Countless Dance Styles | Black/Grey, 10 Ft. IncStores 1.2mm Thick Reversible Dance Floor Roll | Low-Reflection Vinyl Marley Dance Flooring for Practice and Performance of Countless Dance Styles | Black/Grey, 10 Ft.

  • PERFORM LIKE A PRO: A matte vinyl marley floor created for brilliance will take your enthusiasm to the next level. It’s the ideal companion for practically every form of dance, because to its low-reflection, easy transport, and balanced glide.
  • APPRECIATE THE DIFFERENCE: Marley flooring is popular among professionals all around the globe, and it looks great on set, on stage, and in the studio. Our dancing rolls are tuned in to improve your ballet, broadway, and hip-hop performances, and they’re made to modernize the show-biz staple.
  • Composed FOR THE MOMENT: Our 63″ wide dance mats are made of durable vinyl with matte black/white reversible sides to complement your venue, reduce stage light reflection, enable precise floor speed control, and endure for years.
  • GO ON THE ROAD WITH THE SHOW: Our portable performance flooring, with its lightweight 1.2mm profile, is a surprising competent traveling companion, rolling up in seconds for convenient transportation with the rest of your dance supplies and/or ballet equipment.

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Step 8: Make sure the dance floor is secure.

You’re nearly ready to bust a move! Make sure your dance floor is where you want it to be. To keep each dance floor piece together, use mending plates. Place the mending plates on the dance floor’s perimeter, where each piece meets.

For the 12’x16’ floor, you will need 6 plates for mending.

Your floor will keep together no matter how many people decide to stand up and perform the Nae, Nae or just watch you whip!

Step 9: Get up and move about!

Your efforts have paid off, and you can now relax and enjoy the next large dance party or wedding in your own garden!

Use Recycled Wood Pallets as an alternative to Option 1.

Option 1 sounds and looks good, but you want to be kinder to your wallet? Recycled wood pallets may be used to create a dance floor.

Pallets may easily be found for free by looking through local classified ads. Pallets may be utilized to build the foundation, obviating the requirement for any 2′ x 3’s! You may need to reduce part of your plywood depending on the size and amount of pallets you can get. However, at the price, it’s worth a shot!

After replacing your bases with pallets, complete the rest of Option 1’s instructions. Here’s a link to the completed product.

You can save $60 on materials by using recycled pallets.

Option 2: Make do with what you’ve got


Don’t give up on your dance floor just yet if the directions for making your own dance floor make your head spin! You could already have everything you need for the ideal dance party right in your own backyard.

Kick up your boots and enjoy the cheapest method to build your dance floor: dirt! If you’re planning a country-themed party with line or swing dancing, kick up your boots and enjoy the cheapest way to make your dance floor: dirt!

A concrete surface (such as a patio or a basketball court) may also be quickly transformed into the ideal dance floor.

Gravel or dirt

Step 1: Choose a level spot in the yard.

Make sure there are no divots or holes in the area you chose. The yard’s slope should be somewhat level. If the yard is uneven, make sure it is leveled before continuing.

Step 2: Establish a Boundary

Don’t leave your guests perplexed by failing to set a clear dance floor limit. There are a number of basic techniques for establishing the boundaries that will work for your theme.

In the four corners, hay bales, pumpkins, flower pots, or salvaged pallets will suffice. Lighting may also function as a border delineator as well as a source of illumination for the dance floor.

Controlling Dust is the third step.

Nobody will be able to dance for very long if they have to breathe in dust. Keep the dust at bay with these easy tips:

  • Before the celebration, gently spray the soil. If you water too much, you’ll finish up mud wrestling rather than dancing!
  • Dust Down Pro is a good dust control product to use. If you prepare beforehand, it’s a non-toxic and safe alternative!
  • Consider using tiny pebbles like pea gravel or even a thin coating of sand as a base. Only a little covering is required; too much would cause your dancers’ steps to sink.
  • A light covering of straw adds to the rustic vibe. This can be lightly sprayed the day before the party to help with dust control.


FDC 96% Pure Calcium Chloride DUST Down PRO Pellets (Controls dust on unpaved Dirt & Gravel Roads) 5 Gallon Pail

  • DUST MUST BE CONTROLLED. Dirt and dusty particles are kept out of the air with Dust Down POLY PRO. Dusting improves visibility on the job site, prevents accidents, and protects your cars from dust and dirt damage.
  • DUSTY RESIDUE FORMATION IS REDUCED. Dust Down is manufactured from a specific emulsion blend that is meant to break down and change insoluble mineral-based compounds. Dust Down is fully non-toxic, non-leaching, and safe to use around pets and animals.
  • IDEAL FOR BOTH RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS. Dust Down Poly Pro is used by homeowners, contractors, and municipal employees to treat driveways, construction sites, and gravel roads, making them safer and cleaner for everyone.
  • DUST WILL NOT SLOW YOU DOWN. Dust Down can keep dirt and dust out of the air for 3-12 months, depending on foot activity. Dust Down covers 5,000 square feet with five gallons.
  • MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FOR 30 DAYS. Are you unhappy with your purchase? No questions asked, just return the item! Do you have an issue or a question? Call (888) 854-3914 for more information (8-5 M-F).

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Cement or Deck

If you already have a good-sized Cement or Deck patio, consider using them as the main dance area. With a few simple tricks, your guest will never know its previous use:

  • Add just the right amount of lighting to set the scene. Adding just the right lighting can transform any space and give it new vitality!
  • An uneven deck should be leveled. Before putting down the flooring, level the space using 4 x 8 plywood.
  • Make use of the flooring. Create a dance floor on top of your current patio or deck. On top of the cement or deck, use vinyl sheets or laminate flooring to simulate a professional ballroom floor. We recommend that you choose a non-slip grade!

Option 3: Purchase one


If none of the above alternatives appeal to you, try purchasing a dance floor! While you will undoubtedly spend more money, you will be rewarded with a professional dance floor that can be utilized again! With enough practice, you may even appear on the next season of “So You Think You Can Dance!”

Many of the items on the market are available in one-square-foot tiles. This makes storing a cinch! The tiles are readily disassembled and stored in a garage or closet.

The majority of dance floors are designed to be installed on a firm, stable surface. This is best done on a concrete slab or a solid deck.

Is there no deck or concrete? It’s no issue.

Some dance floors are designed to be used on uneven surfaces. However, before installing the dance floor on dirt or grass, consider putting down a tarp and maybe plywood.

Step 1: Research your options and choose the one that appeals to you the most.

Many of the available sets are self-assembly and need no tools. The number of tiles in each set may be customized. Make sure you get enough sets to cover the area where you’ll be dancing.

To cover the space (182 sq. ft.) required for a 100-person party, you’d need roughly 3.5 sets of IncStores 12′′ × 12′′ Practice Dance Tiles (52).

Three sets of 52 tiles and one set of 32 tiles to be purchased.

Remember that if you want a border ramp, you’ll have to buy it individually!


IncStores 3/8 Inch Thick Practice Dance Floor Tiles | Printed Plastic Dance Flooring for Practice and Performance of Countless Dance Styles | Oak, 52 Tiles IncStores 3/8 Inch Thick Practice Dance Floor Tiles | Printed Plastic Dance Flooring for Practice and Performance of Countless Dance Styles

  • GET INSPIRATION FOR IMPROVEMENT: Imagine the perfect dancing studio, complete with a printed tap floor designed for success. Our ballerina floor tiles are the ideal companion for practically any form of dance, thanks to their easy installation and balanced glide.
  • ALWAYS ON POINT: Our famous dance floor tiles, which have firm materials, six stunning finishes, and endless covering possibilities to create the ideal indoor or outdoor dance floor for events and more, are the proper tools for the task.
  • Built FOR THE MOMENT: Our dance board kits are made of ultra-durable polypropylene and topped with printed vinyl to fit your style, give constant speed, produce all the perfect noises, and endure for years of passionate performances.
  • GO ON THE ROAD WITH THE SHOW: Our tiles are the perfect tap board for travelling the globe, with a lightweight 3/8″ profile that assembles and disassembles in minutes for simple transportation with the rest of your dance materials and/or ballet equipment.

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Step 2: Purchase and Ship to Your Residence

Make sure to purchase your dance floor well in advance of the big event. You’ll need to budget for both shipping and installation once it arrives.

Install the Dance Floor in Your Backyard in Step 3

To avoid being destroyed by the weather, build your dance floor the day of or the day before your party. It’s also worth noting that connecting tiles on a firm surface is much simpler.

Step 4: Take apart and store

When purchasing your own dance floor, keep storage in mind. That way, you’ll be prepared to use it during your next dance spectacular.

Option number four is to rent a dance floor.

If you want a high-quality dance floor on which to do all of your “Dancing with the Stars” skills, you may hire a rental firm to create one for you. They’ll typically take care of the set-up and take-down, giving you more time to work on your two-step!

Depending on the region and what you want, the cost of hiring a dance floor big enough for 100 visitors might vary significantly.

Step 1: Look for rental companies in your area.

Always seek quotations from a few different firms before hiring a dance floor. To make sure you’re comparing apples to apples, ask the correct questions.

  • Do they offer the grass or tent flooring with underlayment?
  • What is their policy on cancellations?
  • Do they put up and take down?
  • Do they deliver or do you have to pick it up yourself?
  • When do you think they’ll be paid?
  • In the case of bad weather, do they cancel?

Step 2: Select the Flooring

Certain types of flooring are ideal for usage outside. The most scratch-resistant laminate flooring are composite laminate floors, which do not need a tent. Outdoor vinyl flooring are an excellent alternative, however some firms may need a tent to be erected over them.

Make sure you talk to the salesman about where you want your outdoor dance floor to go. From parquet flooring to sleek black vinyl, a variety of styles are often offered.

Step 3: Dance the Night Away with Less Pain!

There are no tools required, and you will have a professional dance floor in no time! The rental fee might be well worth the time and effort saved!

Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Backyard Dance Floor

Don’t forget to add the finishing touches on your dance floor to set the tone and make your party the talk of the town. Consider how you’ll illuminate the dance floor if your party is after dark. Your visitors should only be concerned about stumbling over their two left feet!

Alternatives to Lighting

  • Check out this post which has pictures of many landscape Alternatives to Lighting that will work for an elegant party.
  • String lights provide excellent ambient lighting.
  • After-holiday deals are ideal for picking up projector lights in a variety of colors and functionalities that may be used as party lights.
  • The addition of disco and party lights is fantastic. You’ll feel like the club has come to your house!
  • RGB flood lights come in a variety of colors and may be installed on the floor, ceiling, or wall.

There were no items found.


GOOLIGHT DJ Light Sound Activated Strobe Light Projector Party Light Effects with Remote Control for Home Room Dance Party Lights, Disco Lights, GOOLIGHT DJ Light Sound Activated Strobe Light Projector Party Light Effects with Remote Control for Home Room Dance Birthday Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke Karaok

  • Multiple beams: The light can shows many patterns effect, light rotating effect can be selected as fast, slow or pause. Effect color can be selected as red, green or red & green.
  • Various Work Modes: 1) Auto Mode: A romantic and relaxing ambiance is created by using random colors. 2) Strobe mode: Colors flash in and out swiftly. 3) Sound control mode: The color and speed of the lights change in time with the beat of the music.
  • Multiple working modes: You may turn on the light by hand or use the remote control to pick the desired function. It has the potential to make your gathering more appealing.
  • Silver aluminum alloy shell with small mounting attachments, which can be simply put on the wall or ceiling, as well as set on the table or floor.
  • Parties, discos, ballrooms, hotels, skating rinks, public squares, family gatherings, bars, KTVs, parties, concerts, and festivals such as Christmas, parks, and Halloween are just a few examples.

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WAKYME 30W RGB Color Changing Floodlight with Remote Control, IP66 Waterproof, 64 Modes LED Flood Light There are 16 RGB colors in all. Stage Lighting with US ETL 3-Plug, Dimmable Wall Washer Light, 2 Sets

  • 【16 Colors & 64 Modes】Comes with a remote controller, the flood light has 8 basic modes in total, each mode has 8 speed choices, you can make total 64 different modes in your needs. Total 16 different colors provide colorful and bright illumination. One remote control can control several lights at the same time. You can set the right ambiance for any moment with a range of beautiful. Simply click the control button to enjoy different colors/brightness/modes of lighting.
  • This led floodlight adopts the most modern 60pcs high quality LED integrated lamp beads, generating a soft and uniform 3000lm brilliant light, more stable, brighter, and longer service life (up to 50,000 hours). The frequency of re-lamping is reduced due to the very long life of the lamp. The look is simple and generous, which is more in accordance with aesthetic criteria. It may be better merged with the architectural landscape with a 120° beam angle.
  • When the lighting is switched on again, the color stays the same as before. The 1.5m/5ft power cable with ETL certification US 3-Plug makes it simple to install and mount/hang the RGB led floodlights anywhere you choose. It’s ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, including birthday parties, nighttime barbeques, garden illumination, stage lighting, landscape lighting, and so on.
  • 【Waterproof & Durable】IP66 level for better wind and dust protection, ensures that the flood light work properly no matter in rain, snow, heat or cold environment. This outdoor floodlight is made of die-cast aluminum and tempered glass, more durable than iron, which effectively prolongs its lifespan. It has a thicker wire, thicker tempered glass, thicker housing, and passed stricter testing, always protect our users from unsafe situations.
  • 2*30W LED Flood Lights with 1.5m US 3-Plug Cords, 2*Remote Controller, and 1*Using Manual FCC, CE, RoHS, and ETL certifications are all available for WAKYME flood lights. We provide a two-year warranty as well as a 30-day money-back guarantee. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any difficulties.

Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API / Last update on 2022-02-17

Get a DJ

Make sure you have a DJ, whether it’s your Uncle Dan or a professional! Instead of keeping the music on, you’ll be able to come out and enjoy the dance floor.


We showed you how to create a dance floor in your backyard by constructing one out of plywood, repurposing existing sections, buying, or renting one.

What most convinced you? Did you go for the cheapest option, thinking that your backyard assets or handyman abilities would suffice? Or did you choose the ease of renting or purchasing your dance floor?

With so many alternatives, you’ll be able to figure out how to construct a dance floor in your backyard and how to make a dance floor out of plywood in no time! Put your blue suede shoes on and get ready to dance!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make a dance floor out of plywood?

A: This would require a lot of cutting, but there are tutorials online.

How do you make a ballet floor at home?

A: You need a few things. Firstly, you will need some type of flooring material such as wood or linoleum for the base. If it is just a small dance studio that you want to make, then foam board would be fine and easy to work with. Additionally, if your floor does not have any cork strips already on it like most do nowadays, then you can use tiles in different colors which are going to provide an excellent visual effect at this point. Last but not least is white paint; these types of floors almost always require white paint because they just look so much better when done than other color options!

What is the best material for a dance floor?

A: The best material for a dance floor is vinyl.

Related Tags

  • dance floor
  • marley dance floor

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