Garden snails are large, slow-moving gastropods that have a distinctive shell pattern. They eat vegetation and occasionally small invertebrates. The garden snail is found throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland in gardens with no natural predators.

The “what do garden snails need to survive” is a question that many people have. The answer to this question, is that garden snails need to eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and other plants.

Snails in the garden consume what?

When you think about Spongebob, you probably recall Gary eating “Snail-Po” from his iconic food bowl. You may recall his proprietor tasting some for himself to test how it tastes.

What are you expected to feed your pet snail if “Snail-Po” doesn’t exist in the real world? Continue reading to learn all you need to know about land snail food. Our guide on what garden snails eat might assist you in determining the best food for your pet.


What Do Garden Snails Eat In the Wild & as Pets?

Slugs in the wild aren’t fussy eaters, and you’ll find them in your garden beds all the time. Snails may be omnivore, detritivorous, or even carnivorous. Yes, some are predators that prey on other animals or dead animal stuff. Snails, on the other hand, are mostly herbivores. Plants, tree bark, veggies, you name it, they’ll eat anything.

Snails for pets are similar in that they will consume almost any plant material they come upon. To find out what they prefer, check out the various dishes we advise throughout this post. Don’t worry; they won’t eat anything they don’t enjoy. You can always substitute any meal that has gone untouched with something else they will consume.

In captivity, what do snails eat?

It’s not difficult to come across food that your garden snail will consume. Fruits, Vegetables, grass, plants, and anything else you may find in your refrigerator or yard are all favorites of slugs.

Whatever you do, be certain that the food is well washed before placing it in their tank. Pesticides that are possibly dangerous may be removed with a thorough rinse with clean water.

It’s also critical to eliminate bad trash and replenish the food supply every few days. Mold may be avoided by keeping fresh fruits and Vegetables in the tank.

Snail House Feeding

You can guarantee that your snail pet eats by providing a pleasant habitat. When creating the ideal snail terrarium, keep the following suggestions in mind:

• Add sticks, leaves, bark, and/or plants to simulate their natural environment • Add a few inches of chemical-free soil and maintain wet (more on that later) • Create hiding spaces using structures like little hollowed-out logs

What Is the Favorite Food of Snails?

Snails may be seen eating plants, fruits, and other items. Because they all have individual taste receptors, it may take a few weeks to figure out what they like.

Here are some suggestions that can make your snails happy:


Your terrestrial snail will like lettuce as a tasty, crisp snack. It also ensures that they stay hydrated.


Although beer may seem to be an unusual option, snails like the yeast it delivers. Small droplets every now and again are delectable. However, too much might be dangerous, so limit yourself to just a few drips.


When clearing out your refrigerator, keep in mind that your pet will most likely like fruits like:

Strawberry, Bananas, Apples, Pears, Avocados, Mangos, and Peaches

There’s a lot of discussion over whether citrus is harmful to these animals. To be safe, serve foods like oranges in moderation.


These small creatures, unlike your children, like eating veggies. It shouldn’t be difficult to persuade them to eat:

• Broccoli • Cauliflower • Cucumbers • Potatoes • Spinach • Cabbage • Mushrooms • Peppers • Spinach • Cabbage • Mushrooms • Peppers

If you’re feeding them “hard” foods like potatoes and carrots, try cooking them first to soften them. Simply let the food to cool fully before placing it in the tank.


Seeds are a major hit as well. Sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds are all popular choices. Before serving, it’s recommended to smash, ground, or soak them.

Pet Food

It’s also customary to provide tortoise or dog food. It should be soaked before being placed in the terrarium.

Raw Meat

Snails that consume raw meat, such as steak mince and chicken, are known as carnivorous snails. Don’t give them any meat that has been seasoned. They’ll eat raw, cooked, and eggshells as well.

Snail Shell-Protecting Foods

Snails may only have one shell at a time. They need a lot of calcium to maintain their exterior in excellent condition. Leafy green vegetables like broccoli, kale, and Brussel sprouts are high in calcium. Calcium supplements, on the other hand, may be purchased at a pet shop.

Don’t be scared to throw in a cuttlefish bone or an eggshell in their aquarium. The radula scrapes in the snail’s mouth scrape away at these calcium-rich meals.

While a shortage of calcium might hinder snails from developing and rebuilding their shells, it’s also crucial to avoid overdoing it. Excess calcium may cause internal stones, which can be dangerous. The required calcium intake for snails is roughly 20% of their total diet.

Foods to stay away from

Although land snails aren’t choosy, it doesn’t imply you should feed them anything.

Snails are poisoned by the following foods:

• Anything tainted with pesticides or toxic chemicals • Excessively salty meals • Pasta • Rice

Do Snails in the Garden Drink Water?

You may be wondering whether land snails drink water now that you’ve learned about their various feeding habits. Snails are unusual organisms in that they do not need a water dish to survive. The meals you offer them provide them with a lot of the hydration they need.

Snails obtain moisture from their tank’s dirt as well. To keep the surroundings wet, use a spray bottle twice a day. While a water dish isn’t required, it will be appreciated by these snails. They will not only drink from it, but also bathe in it.

If you prefer to include a bowl, make sure it’s shallow to avoid drowning your snails. Snails may tip it over in the soil, thus it should be rather substantial.

Baby Snails: What to Feed Them

You may be wondering what your new offspring will eat if your adult snails lay eggs. Fortunately, it’s straightforward: newborns eat almost exactly what adults do. Allow these snails to eat a variety of foods at first to help them become less choosy later in life. Give these snails only watery things (like tomato insides) that they can drown on.

The size of the tank’s water bowl should also be taken into consideration (if you choose to include one). They’ll also need a lot of calcium to strengthen their new shells.

Snails are born with their shells intact. The first thing they do when they break out from their egg is devour the casing. It’s high in calcium, which helps to strengthen the new shell.

Snails that eat other snails are known as carnivorous snails.

Because certain kinds are carnivorous, your pet snail may attempt to devour the other snails in the aquarium. As long as you maintain various species in separate tanks, this shouldn’t happen.

What Food Do Freshwater Snails Consume?

What do freshwater slugs eat? You know what to feed land snails. These guys don’t need to eat anything special. The algae and extra detritus in the aquarium will provide food for them. You’ll love how minimal maintenance they are as well as how easy they are to keep clean!

Algae discs from your local pet shop can suffice if you need to boost their diet.

What Food Do Sea Snails Consume?

Sea snails consume algae in the aquarium in the same way as freshwater snails do. They’re also well-known bottom feeders, scavenging for organic trash, decaying plants, and uneaten fish food. It’s worth noting that a saltwater slug’s mouth can fit small bits of shrimp, scallops, and fish. These meaty treats may be added to the tank to provide a tasty treat.

Snails in the garden consume what? The Bottom Line

Your snail is like a member of the family, and they deserve to eat well! So, Snails in the garden consume what? They can consume various plants and fruits and veggies — just make sure they get lots of calcium.

Consider this the greatest cookbook for snails. Feel free to save it and come back to it to make sure your pet is getting the greatest food.

Garden snails are a type of land snail that is most often found in gardens, but they may also be found in other areas. They eat rotting vegetation and other decaying organic matter. Reference: do garden snails eat each other.

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