Air conditioners don't typically need too much maintenance. However, it's still important to clean or replace their air filters regularly. That's because they play a crucial job of removing dust, dirt and other debris from the air we breathe indoors, thus reducing the risk of airborne mold and common allergens. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to clean AC filter step by step as a basic part of your regular maintenance routine.


Why You Need a Clean Filter

As air filters improve air quality, they also get clogged with filtered particles, making it necessary for you to clean them throughout the year-both for your health and wallet. On top of the clear health risk, a dirty filter also forces the AC unit to run harder to push air through the clogged fibers, thus consuming more energy and trimming the unit's lifespan. It follows then that a clean air filter:

  • Improves your home's air quality.
  • Extends your unit's lifespan.
  • Makes your HVAC system more energy-efficient.

Common Air Conditioner Filters

Air conditioners use two main types of filters:

1. Disposable Air Filters

Disposable air filters are typically made from paper or cardboard. They normally last for around three months, after which they need to be replaced since they can't be cleaned and reused. Changing a disposable filter is a fairly easy process for most units; remove the old one replace it with a new filter.

Regular replacements also mean better performance for your air conditioner. That said, disposable filters pose a recurring cost that can get expensive over time.

2. Washable Air Filters

Washable filters, also known as reusable filters, are considered permanent components since they can be cleaned and reused over a long time. They usually last about five years, helping you save money in the long run, despite being more expensive than disposable filters. Furthermore, reusing means less waste; thus, they are also more friendly to the environment.

Maintaining a reusable air filter takes a bit of know-how. You need to remove the filter from the air conditioning unit, clean it manually, then leave it out to dry fully before replacing it. This brings us to the step-by-step guide on how to clean an air conditioner filter.

How to Clean Your AC Filter in Simple Steps

For starters, not every air conditioner filter can be cleaned. If yours has a cardboard frame or it's non-serviceable according to the manufacturer's directions, you can only replace it. You can get replacements in most home hardware stores, but make sure it's the right fit for your air conditioner.

Let's get right into the necessary steps to clean your filter regularly, depending on the type of air conditioning unit you have:

a). Central Air Conditioner Filter

Central Air Conditioning Unit | Carlos Lindner

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Step One: Find The Filter

The filter is usually found in the cold air return with central air conditioners. For other models, you might need to check inside the return vents.

Step Two: Shut The Unit Off

Whenever you're doing any maintenance on your air conditioner, it's critical to turn the unit off to protect yourself and the unit from electrical hazards.

Step Three: Remove and Vacuum the Filter

Generally, you'll find a good deal of dust clogged onto the filter. Use a vacuum cleaner with a bristled attachment to remove most of it. Make sure to clean both sides of the filter.

Do this for all air filters, including those behind the return vents.

Step Four: Soak in 50/50 Water and Vinegar

Before you do this, it's highly important to read from the instruction manual if this step applies to your unit since some air filters aren't built to get wet.

If your air conditioner filter is water-friendly, soak it in a 50-50 mixture of lukewarm water and vinegar for about an hour. Then, let it dry completely before reinstalling.

If you don't have a basin that can hold the air filter, you can use a hose instead. Set the pressure quite low to ensure the water doesn't rip the filter.

Step Five: Reinstall The Filter

Once the filter is completely clean and dry, reinstall it. Most air filters have an arrow that shows which way they should face. This arrow has to point the direction of the airflow.

b). Ducted Air Conditioner Filter

Ducted Air Conditioners | Asia Culture Center

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Step One: Locate The Filter

Most ducted air conditioning units have a filter behind the main return air duct.

Step Two: Shut The Unit Off

As previously highlighted, turn the system off before starting the process to avoid any damage.

Step Three: Vacuum and Soak The Filter

Use a vacuum to clean both sides of the filter. Again, refer to the instruction manual to determine if you can soak the air filter in water.

Step Four: Reinstall The Filter

Ensure the air filter is totally dry before reinstalling.

c). Window Air Conditioner Filter

Window AC Unit | T Penguin

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Cleaning a window air conditioner filter is not entirely different from the other two types. Nevertheless, it's always advisable to check if the air filter has mold or mildew before you start cleaning. You're required to do a deeper clean if either is present.

Step One: Shut Off and Unplug The Conditioner

Unlike the two previous systems, a window air conditioner filter sits pretty close to the unit's moving parts. Therefore, it's extremely important that you shut down the air conditioner and unplug it before anything else.

Step Two: Remove The Front Panel to Reach The Filter

The front panel is usually held in place by screws, simple plastic clips or pressure, making it easy to detach. Once the panel is off, the air filter should be quite easy to spot and remove.

Step Three: Vacuum and Wash The Filter

Vacuum both sides of the filter thoroughly. Similarly, consult the manual to determine if your filter is water-friendly before washing it.

If the filter gives off a musty smell, it could indicate moisture problems inside, which requires more rigorous cleaning of the entire air conditioning unit.

Step Four: Reinstall The Filter

Let the filter dry completely before reinstalling. Then, replace the front cover, turn the unit on, and you're good to go!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Cleaning Air Conditioner Filters

1. What happens when the AC filter is not cleaned?

Eventually, the air filter becomes filled with dirt and dust collected from the air, which inhibits air flow through to the air handler. Furthermore, a clogged filter forces the unit to push harder to cool the air in your home, increasing your electricity bills. In severe cases, poor airflow can lead to cold air becoming trapped on the AC coils, consequently freezing them up and thus making the unit inoperable.

This only goes to show the critical importance of cleaning your air filter and air conditioner regularly.

2. Does cleaning the air filter make it colder?

It does, in a way. A clogged air filter tends to trap cold air inside the filter, preventing it from circulating through the ductwork properly. Replacing or cleaning the air filter improves air flow, allowing colder air to get inside.

3. Can you run your AC without a filter?

While you can run your AC unit without a filter for a short time, doing so for extended periods eventually causes significant damage to the appliance. Plus, it reduces the air quality in your home, hence it's not normally advisable.

4. How often should you clean your air conditioner?

It's usually recommended that you general clean your AC unit monthly. You'll also need a deeper clean every season, more so during the summer months, when you'll use the unit most.

As for the air conditioner's filter, you should preferably check it at least once a month in the warmer months or every two months in the cold season. Part of the check should include either cleaning or replacing the filter, depending on the type of air filter you're using.

If your air conditioning unit doubles as a heat pump, clean or replace the HVAC filters at least once every three months.

5. Can you spray water on your air conditioner?

Yes, especially if you have an outdoor central unit. You can also spray water on a window AC unit, but it's important to consult the air conditioner's instruction manual to be on the safe side.

Final Word

It goes without saying that unfiltered air is not only a huge risk to your health but also your pocket. Since now you know how to clean an air conditioner filter, you can always have fresh air circulating in your home clean all year round. Make a habit of cleaning the filter regularly to get the best results. 

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