Deer are becoming a big problem for many homeowners in the United States. There is no easy solution to this issue, but there are several options available that can help lower deer visits and keep your property safe from damage

The “how to attract deer to a salt lick” is an easy-to-follow guide for 2022. It will show you how to make your yard attractive enough that deer are attracted.

If you live in the country, you’re probably used to seeing a variety of wildlife in your yard, but if deer aren’t one of them, you may be wondering how to attract them. Deer are beautiful animals that are always interesting to view, so if you want to see more of them at home, read on because we’ll show you How to Get Deer to Come to Your Yard in this post!


The Advantages of Having Deer in Your Yard

It’s been proved that being in nature makes us feel more peaceful, relaxed, and joyful, and luring deer to your yard is a great way to bring nature right to your doorstep! There are many advantages to having deer in your yard, believe it or not, including…

  1. Feeding deer is a fantastic learning opportunity for the whole family. Today’s society, and especially today’s youngsters, are more removed from nature and outdoor learning opportunities than ever before. Having deer in your backyard is a terrific opportunity to provide a unique learning experience for the whole family that many families do not get.
  2. You’ll be feeding the wild deer population in the area. Food may be sparse, particularly during the winter months, so attracting hungry deer to your property can ensure that the local deer population has a steady source of food.
  3. They have the ability to control plant growth. While there are some drawbacks (which we’ll explore in the following section), deer eating plants in your yard might really be beneficial! Deer may eat through thick, unmanageable vegetation on the edges of your land and clean it out if you have a lot of wooded regions surrounding your home.
  4. Deer are attractive and provide a relaxing atmosphere in your yard. According to studies, being in nature makes us happier and less worried. Having animals in your yard, such as deer, may help you connect with nature while also providing a sense of calm and beauty.

The Negative Effects of Having Deer in Your Backyard

While there are certain advantages to luring deer to your yard, there are also some disadvantages to consider. Among them are:

  1. Your gardens might be destroyed. Deer may come through your yard and ravage your plants, depending on the kind of vegetation you have. Hostas, daylilies, evergreen plants, and any edible plants in your vegetable gardens will be eaten by deer. Fortunately, there are techniques to keep deer from destroying your plants.
  2. It’s possible that your bird feeders may be removed. Deer have been known to target not just gardens but even bird feeders. Deer will find a way to get to the seeds if you have an open bird feeder without a grate or other type of protection, even if it means shattering your feeders. Make sure your bird feeders are 8 to 10 feet above the ground and out of reach of deer. Larger deer may reach heights of up to 7 feet and can extend their necks even more.
  3. They may be dangerous to both pets and children. Deer, both male and female, may weigh up to 200 pounds (or more) and can physically attack dogs and children who come too near. Deer will ram victims with their antlers or rear up on their hind legs and smash the pet or human with their front hooves and legs if they are threatened. To minimize possible harm, fence pets and keep a watch on youngsters anytime they’re outdoors while deer are invited to your property.
  4. On the roads near your house, they’re more likely to get struck by a vehicle or run out in front of one. Every year, almost 1 million automobile crashes with deer occur, resulting in the deaths of 400 people and tens of thousands of catastrophic injuries. As you can see, deer are already vulnerable to being struck by automobiles and causing accidents in wooded areas, and the likelihood of a deer-car collision rises when you encourage them to your neighborhood. If you live in the country, this may not be a problem. If you live near roads or other densely populated areas, though, you may want to rethink bringing deer into your yard.
  5. There are several possible health hazards. Deer carry a variety of infections, including Lyme Disease, which is spread by ticks that feed on the blood of deer. A deer that carries Lyme Disease-infected ticks closer to your house raises the risk of sick ticks infecting you, your family, and your neighbors.

How to Get Deer to Come to Your Yard

Now that you know the benefits and risks of attracting deer to your yard, let’s jump into How to Get Deer to Come to Your Yard! Attracting deer isn’t as difficult as some may think it is, and really only falls down to a few backyard adjustments.

1. Provide a Reliable Water Supply

Deer looking for water will be more likely to come to your property if you have a horse or cow trough, a pond, or any other significant freshwater source. Deer are more likely to come to backyard water sources in the summer when temperatures are high and natural water is limited, or in locations where winters are severe and water freezes over.

If your backyard water sources are likely to freeze over during the winter, you may want to invest in a trough heater or lay a piece of wood in the water source to keep it from freezing.

2. Provide a Deer Food Source

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Food is the one item that will attract deer to your yard.

A tree-mounted gravity feeder is the finest technique to feed deer. These feeders are often inexpensive and gravity-driven, which means they don’t need batteries or other mechanical components to feed the deer. The UV-resistant Moultrie Feed Station pictured above protects the feed from the outdoors. It has a capacity of 40 pounds of feed.

Grain and maize are often used in commercial deer feed. To avoid feeding your local deer anything that has horrible chemicals, fillers, preservatives, or other artificial components, we suggest choosing organic or Non-GMO corn or feed.

The Farmer’s Blend Ernst Grain meal, produced with Non-GMO maize, is our preferred deer feed. It keeps deer not just happy and satisfied, but also healthy.

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3. Tie a Low Limb with a Salt Lick


6 pound Himalayan Animal Lick Salt on Rope for Horses, Deer, and Livestock by UMAID (2 Pack)

  • There are no preservatives or additives in this Himalayan salt. This Natural Rock has 84 trace minerals.
  • This Himalayan Salt on a Rope is the most cost-effective salt lick on the market. Our Salt on a Rope will last three times longer than a pressed salt lick since it is made of natural rock! Aids in the improvement of the health of your pets and animals.
  • Instead of nylon or cotton, this Salt on a Rope product comes with a robust and lengthy rope. There are no additional iodine, preservatives, or additives in Himalayan Salt on a Rope. Replaces electrolytes that have been lost.
  • Himalayan salt contains up to 84 trace minerals, including Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium, which are all essential for your pet’s health!
  • The net weight of this imported salt on a rope is 6 lb. Actual weight varies between 4 and 6 pounds.

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Salt licks attract deer not only for the flavor, but also for the health advantages they bring! Salt is an important ingredient for deer, since it aids with digestion. You’ll be helping deer remain healthy, offering them a tasty reward, and attracting a large herd to your yard by providing this additional meal.

Because it’s natural and doesn’t include anything detrimental to deer or other animals that may find salt enticing, we choose the Himalayan sea salt lick above. Check out this helpful post from for additional information on how to pick a salt lick for deer!

4. Sprinkle deer feces all around your property

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Hunters have been using deer urine to entice deer to their favorite hunting spots for years. A deer attractant, such as deer urine, emits a familiar odor that helps other deer feel more at ease approaching. You may make your backyard more deer-friendly by putting deer urine to the sections of your property where you wish to encourage deer.

Keep in mind that this post is about luring deer for aesthetic purposes only, not for hunting or eating. We don’t recommend using deer urine for hunting unless you’ve double-checked that it’s permitted in your state. These techniques have been forbidden in certain states, including Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Check out our guide on whether you may shoot deer in your backyard for additional information on deer hunting and its legality.

What Kind of Deer Might You See?

Typically, in North America and the United States, you’ll see one of three kinds of deer: White-Tailed Deer, Black-Tailed Deer, and Mule Deer. So now that you know How to Get Deer to Come to Your Yard, in this section, we’ll be taking a look at the most common deer species that may wander up in your backyard!

1. Deer, White-Tailed or Whitetail


White-tailed or Whitetail Deer may be found across the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the rest of North America. The white underside of these deer’s tails distinguishes them. These deer are often reddish-brown or bluish-gray in hue.

  • White-tailed bucks weigh between 150 and 200 pounds and have antlers that may reach 16 feet in length, including tines. Their antlers are made up of a single main branch with tines that branch out from it.
  • When fully grown, whitetail does weigh roughly 100 pounds and do not have antlers. A doe may produce tiny, unhardened antlers if there are hormonal abnormalities present. They’re often seen with fawns or other does.
  • When scared, white tailed deer lift their tails, revealing the white “flag” below.

Whitetail deer may range in length from head to tail between 3.5 and 7 feet, depending on their age and whether they are male or female.

2. Deer, black-tailed


Black-tailed Deer are mostly found along the Pacific coast, with populations ranging from California to Alaska. When compared to Mule deer, these animals are smaller and have black tails.

  • Blacktail bucks weigh between 150 and 200 pounds. Bucks’ antlers begin to develop at the age of eight months. Once the antlers have completely matured throughout maturity, they will begin to lose their velvet. Antlers will develop and extend with tines on an annual basis.
  • Blacktail Does weigh roughly 100 pounds on average, but may reach 130 pounds. Female Black-tailed deer lack antlers and are often observed with fawns in the spring and summer.

These deer are shy and seldom seen in the thick woods of the Pacific coast, although they may pay a visit to a rural residence with plenty of bush.

Mule Deer 3


Mule deer are the biggest of the three deer species that may be found in the United States. Mule deer are reddish-brown or bluish-gray in hue, similar to Whitetail deer. Their coats are reddish in hue throughout the summer and change color according on the season. They have a duller look in the winter.

  • Depending on their age and condition, mule deer bucks may weigh anywhere from 130 to 330 pounds. The antlers of a male Mule deer are even throughout, with thinner tines. Male Mule Deer have wider heads and bodies than other deer species, including Whitetail and Blacktail deer.
  • Mule deer may weigh anywhere from 95 to 200 pounds, depending on their age and overall condition. Mule deer females do not have antlers.

Mule deer are identified by their big ears in relation to their heads, which gives them their name. While these deer have a similar appearance to Whitetail deer, their tails are a creamy white tint with no brown (like the Whitetail deer have).

Last Thoughts

In this article, we’ve covered the pros and cons of attracting deer to your yard,  How to Get Deer to Come to Your Yard using 4 foolproof methods, and the three most common kinds of deer you might encounter! When it comes to attracting deer, the best way to go about it is by providing a constant food and water source, especially near the edges of woody areas on your property.

Attracting deer to your yard is a fantastic learning opportunity as well as a unique natural element to have in your yard! We hope these tips have assisted you in making your backyard more deer-friendly!

The “what food attract deer” is a question that has been asked for many years. In the article, it gives you some tips on what food to give your deer in order to make them feel welcome and come visit you more often.

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