If you don’t have the space or resources to build an outdoor pig pen, these experts recommend a few alternatives.

The “how much does it cost to raise a pig for slaughter” is the ultimate guide on how to raise a pig in your backyard. The article will give you all of the information that you need, including what type of animal to raise, what kind of food they eat and how much it costs.

How to Raise a Pig in Your Backyard: Ultimate Guide 2022

Pigs have long been cherished characters in our favorite stories, cartoons, and films, from the Three Little Pigs to Babe and Wilbur. It’s understandable that lovers of these adorable little piggies would desire their own porky friend. We’ll go over everything you’ll need to know about raising a pig in your backyard in this post!


1. Familiarize yourself with the laws in your area.

First and foremost, familiarize yourself with your local legislation. The first step is to determine whether or not it is legal for you to own a pig in your area. If you live inside city borders, it may be unlawful to possess a pig in certain regions. In certain places, you may keep a pig if you live in the city, but there are limits.

The American Mini Pig Association has an excellent post on local pig ownership and zoning restrictions that you may read for additional information.

2. Enough Room to Move

Your pig should have at least 10 square feet of area to wander about in at all times – although we don’t always advocate this. The bigger your yard is, the better it is for farm animals. If you live in the suburbs and have a yard large enough to accommodate a medium to large dog, you should be able to rear a single pig.

If you reside in the country, on the other hand, you need put more effort into establishing a bigger enclosure for your pet pig. A half-acre to one-acre pen would be ideal for a pig to wander and roll about in, and you could perhaps add a few more pig pals down the line.

3. Provide a Home for Your Backyard Pig

Pigs, like any other animal, need shelter to protect themselves from the weather and any predators. Pigs are quite susceptible to harsh weather conditions, whether it’s high heat or extreme cold. It’s critical that you give them with a stall that is properly ventilated on warm days while still providing protection from wind and snow in the winter.

Pink pigs are also burnt easily and are vulnerable to overexposure to the sun. Trees will provide shade for these pigs, as well as a man-made shelter.

Overall, if you have the space, a basic three-walled shed or small, enclosed barn may provide the ideal shelter. In the winter, though, you may need to take additional steps to keep your pig warm. That leads us to our next “how-to”…

4. Bed linens

Providing adequate bedding for your pig can help them stay warm and comfortable while living in the great outdoors. Large clumps of straw are frequently piled in one part of the stall for pig bedding.

Pigs, unlike horses, cows, chickens, goats, and other animals, are reasonably clean animals (despite how they’re often represented in popular culture). When a pig’s bedding is put in one corner of their living space, they are less likely to make a mess of their resting location. They’ll go somewhere else to use the piggy porta toilet instead.

This is fantastic news for both you and your pig companion since you won’t have to change their bedding every day, and they won’t be awakened when you do so.

5. Securing the perimeter

Pigs, contrary to popular belief, are rather intelligent critters that can readily get under poor fence. If you keep your pigs in a tiny enclosure of around 10 square feet (which we don’t advocate – particularly for pet pigs), hog panels may be your best option for fencing.

If you opt to house your pigs on additional acreage, an electric fence will be less expensive, more physically pleasing than hog panels, and will successfully stop your pigs from approaching the enclosure’s boundaries.

Both fence options, of course, are quite successful in keeping pigs where you want them. It’s mostly a matter of personal taste.

When coupled with a wooden frame, the following fence looks fantastic:

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6. Taking Care of Your Pig

Pigs are voracious eaters. And every time they eat, they give hog paradise a whole new meaning.

These fat little gentlemen will consume everything that can fit in their stubby tiny nose, including meat and plant goods. They’ll even consume rubbish if they come upon it. However, just because pigs are opportunistic eaters doesn’t imply they should eat anything they want.

Though they may be unusual in their capacity to metabolize potentially dangerous food items, your pet pig needs a nutritious diet just like any other pet. The optimal diet is one that is rich in fiber and low in meat and sweets.

Pigs’ Fruits and Vegetables

Pigs benefit the most from a low-sugar diet, as previously noted. So, anytime you go to feed your pig expired fruits, be careful not to overfeed them with fruits that are heavy in sugar.

Here are some fruits and vegetables that pigs may consume:

  • Broccoli is a vegetable that comes from the cabbage family (cooked)
  • Leafy greens with a dark color
  • Potatoes are a kind of vegetable (cooked)
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkins
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Melons are a kind of fruit that grows in (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew)

Pellets from pigs

Because buying fresh fruits and vegetables can definitely get expensive, you can choose to include Pellets from pigs into your pet’s diet to save money. Generally, any type of pig feed will do for domesticated pig species. However, there are some feeds that are specifically made with different types of pigs in mind (Potbellied pigs and Mini pigs, for example – we’ll go over these in more depth, later on).

The Modesto Milling Organic Pig Feed is a fantastic feed for Mini pigs and domesticated pigs in general.


Item # 643, Modesto Milling Organic, Non-GMO Mini Pig Feed Pellets, 25 Lbs.

  • All Mini Pigs At All Stages Of Life Can Eat This Complete Feed.
  • Formulated With Certified Organic Ingredients Including Peas, Herbs And Essential Oils, North Atlantic Sourced Kelp Meal, Redmond Salt & Clay, Natural Vitamin E.
  • Without molasses, it has a pleasant aroma and palatability.
  • With a focus on health and longevity, this formula was created. Not made using low-cost ingredients or to meet the bare minimum of nutrient requirements.

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Manna Pro Potbellied Pig Feed is another feed we suggest for potbellied pigs:


20 pound of Manna Pro Potbellied Pig Food

  • Made in the United States of America
  • Flavored With A Delicious Licorice Smell
  • Minerals And Vitamins Abundant
  • Maintain a Consistent Feeding Routine
  • After the date stamp, the shelf life is 9 months.

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If the above two options aren’t quite right, you can always look for and buy an excellent pig feed from a farm supply or pet supply shop.


Domesticated pigs, of course, need a specific location for their food and water.

Troughs are often put on the fence or on the ground and may be used for both water and food. Clean and replace the troughs often, particularly during harsh weather conditions, to minimize algae, mold, and other unappealing consequences of sloppy management.

Troughs that can be clipped or fastened onto fence are recommended. This prevents excrement, dirt, or anything else that a pig’s body could bring to a low-lying feeder or waterer from being spread, toppled over, or polluted.

Our favorite set of two troughs (for food and water) is:


11-Inch Black Little Giant Fence Feeders with Clips (2 Pack)

  • 11-Inch Black Little Giant Fence Feeders with Clips, 2 Pack
  • Fence feeder that hangs from wire fencing with heavy-duty metal clamps.
  • With fence staples (not supplied) or lag screws, it may be firmly fastened to a wall or rail (not included).
  • Polyethylene material has a high impact strength.
  • 4.5 quarts liquid capacity, or 4 quarts dry capacity.

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A Cautionary Note

Pigs may seem cute and innocent while they eat, but they can be highly deadly if you approach too near. Pigs aren’t afraid of assaults or violent behavior because they’re so hungry when they eat that they don’t care whether they’re munching on a carrot or your finger.

There have been cases of farmers losing their fingers by putting their hand too close to the trough while the pigs were eating, so be wary of your surroundings as you pour slop or Pellets from pigs.

7. Veterinary Assistance

Pigs, like any other pet, will need veterinarian care. Just like a dog or cat, they’ll require immunizations and to be placed on a deworming plan, so prepare to spend a significant amount of money on your first few medical appointments after picking up your piglet.

You should also think about whether or not your pet pig should be spayed or neutered. If you have more than one pig of the same gender, we strongly advise spaying or neutering them when they’re old enough to prevent unwanted litters.

Keep track of your pig’s veterinarian checkups and health records in case you require medical information for an emergency vet visit in the future due to sickness or injury.

8. Is it Possible to Raise a Pig Indoors?

When reared inside, pigs may be highly successful. They can walk outdoors via a doggie door or warn you when they need to go outside, they can feed and drink from indoor troughs, and they can even sleep in a huge kennel like any other dog or typical indoor pet.

Of course, all of this is learned via training (much like a dog), and it may take some time for them to adjust to not using the potty in your house, learning orders, and knowing where to go when they need to go, and so on.

Overall, this is another one of those matters where personal choice reigns supreme. Because pigs are very clean animals with little natural odor, many people choose to keep them inside. They are, nevertheless, equally at home in the outdoors. You may even keep them outdoors during the day and bring them inside at night or in the winter.

9. Selecting the Right Pig for You

Pigs with a Potbellied Stomach and Kune Kune Pigs are the two varieties of pigs that make the finest pets in general. Let’s look at each one separately:

Pigs with a Potbellied Stomach


Pigs with a Potbellied Stomach are super chubby and cute (and our favorite, if you couldn’t tell). They’re quite docile and do well when raised around other pets and farm animals and can even do well indoors alongside dogs and be potty trained.

Pigs with a Potbellied Stomach are also quite small in size compared to pigs used for meat, which can get up to 600 or more pounds; weighing at approximately 100 pounds. They have short legs, and their bellies hang close to the ground for their entire adult lives, and if your pig happens to become pregnant, her belly may even drag the ground as she walks.

They have droopy jowls, shorter ears, and a shorter snout and are usually black in hue.

Pigs KuneKune


Noted for their odd, but adorable, coloration, Pigs KuneKune are the second type of pig most commonly used as pets.

Their coloration is more varied than that of Potbellied Pigs, and they might be black, cream, spotted, brown, or red, with straight, curly, or wavy hair. They normally weigh approximately 132 pounds or somewhat more than Potbellied Pigs, but their bodily structure is similar in that they are short-legged, have tiny ears, small eyes, and a short black snout.

Pigs KuneKune are also incredibly docile and do well when paired with other farm or pet animals of a calm demeanor. Like most pet pigs, KuneKunes can be potty and house trained if you do decide to keep them indoors. Pigs KuneKune are also wonderful meat pigs.

The Drawbacks of Raising a Pig in Your Garden

  • You’ll develop feelings for your pigs. If you’re breeding pigs for meat, keep in mind that you’ll get connected to them and find it difficult to send them to the butcher.
  • Not only that, but transporting them to the slaughterhouse may be costly. As a result, your pigs may not only break your heart, but they may also ruin your monetary account.
  • Even the tiniest ones may be rather cumbersome. Also, if you have little children who like to rush about your dogs, trampleing them might be harmful.
  • They’re not only hefty, but they’re also quite powerful. Good luck if you need to regain custody of a renegade pig. Doing it on your own will be a nightmare. A pig that is attempting to flee will typically succeed unless confronted by a force of a few men. They can also break over fences, bite you, and hurt you a little – not to mention your other animals if things go wrong.
  • Raising a litter isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Mama Pig will not want you near her offspring, and if you steal one, you may be pursued — not to mention that the piglet will scream bloody death the whole time.

Raising a Pig Has Its Advantages

  • Pigs will eat everything your children refuse to eat. If your kid dislikes carrots, hide a carrot beneath the table for the pig. Give the pig whatever leftovers you have in the fridge that no one will eat. Pigs, as previously said, will consume almost everything, making them living recycle bins.
  • Pigs are not demanding pets. Pigs, unlike some other pets, don’t need much maintenance. Your pig will be as happy as a pig in mud if you provide it with food, clean water, shelter, bedding, and a few pats now and again.
  • They’re simply good old-fashioned amusement. Pigs, contrary to popular belief, are lively creatures that like interacting with humans and other animals, such as dogs. At the very least, raising a pig will be entertaining for you and your children, and your dog may discover a new best buddy.
  • They can taste so much better than store-bought pork. When you raise your own pigs for meat, namely Pigs KuneKune, they often taste so much better than pork that has been raised in mass production. This is because you can farm them in a much more organic manner, feeding them nutrient-dense foods.
  • You may get your money back — and more – in a hurry. You may sell two or more pigs for meat or grow litters to sell to other pig aficionados if you purchase two or more.
  • Their dung is excellent as a plant fertilizer. If you have flower beds or cultivate your own vegetables, the manure produced by your pigs may help fertilize and nourish your plants.

Last Thoughts

Raising a pig (or many pigs) in your backyard may be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for the whole family. Make sure your pig or pigs have a good shelter, plenty of area to wander, enough of food and water, and access to veterinary care for emergencies and wellness exams. It’s crucial to remember that pet pigs, even the tiniest ones, are still hefty and powerful animals that might represent a danger to one’s physical well-being, even if it’s a slight one.

On the plus side, they’re quite intelligent and can easily be grown inside. They also get along well with other farm animals or pets, particularly dogs, and are often lively and affectionate creatures. Apart from the reputation, they’re generally tidy creatures that like to keep their living quarters and lavatory separate.

We hope this information on how to grow a pig in your backyard was helpful!

“That’s All Folks!” as Porky Pig would say.



The “How to Raise a Pig in Your Backyard: Ultimate Guide 2022” is an article that provides information on how to raise pigs in your backyard. The article also includes a list of the supplies you will need and what you should do before raising pigs. Reference: how to raise piglets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you raise a pig in your backyard?

A: Im afraid its illegal for me to answer that question.

How do you raise a pig for beginners?

A: You dont. Pigs are very intelligent animals, but they do not require as much training and care as other household pets.

How much does it cost to raise 1 pig?

A: You need to buy a pig from the seller, then you will have to feed it and give it water for a day before the animal starts producing eggs. Then after that, youll have to be able to sell them so people can see your pigs as well.

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