A lot of people feed wild animals like squirrels or deer, but what should you give them to make sure they don’t feel victimized? Experts recommend nuts and seeds as the perfect food for your furry little friends.

In the “feeding squirrels peanuts” article, I will be discussing what to feed squirrels in your backyard to make them go nuts.

Squirrel watching, like bird watching, may be an enjoyable, soothing, and very affordable activity. To get started, all you’ll need is a squirrel feeder and some squirrel food. Squirrels can eat almost everything you offer them, but if you’re like most people, you may not know what to feed your backyard squirrels.

We’ll go through the best and worst things to feed squirrels in this post so you can get started.


Why Should You Feed Squirrels in Your Yard?

Some individuals are adamantly opposed to squirrel feeding and may even advise you against it. While hand-feeding wild squirrels might make them reliant on people, installing a squirrel feeder in your yard is a terrific way to help them! We’ll go over several solid reasons to feed backyard squirrels in the next sections.

1. Prevents them from eating from bird feeders.

If you already have a bird feeder, you’re aware that squirrels like to sneak up behind it and grab all of the bird food. Squirrels don’t always receive the finest nutrition from bird food, and if they eat it all, the birds don’t get any.

Not only that, but squirrels may frequently destroy the bird feeder, putting everyone’s enjoyment at risk. Giving squirrels their own bird feeder is one technique to keep them away from the bird feeder.

Squirrels will eat from whatever feeder is nearest to them, which is why squirrel feeders are available. Your squirrel will have a healthier food source, and the birds in your yard will be able to enjoy a snack once again.

2. Ensures that they have easy access to water

Water may not be the first thing that springs to mind when thinking about what to give squirrels, but they do need it to live a healthy existence. Squirrels, like people, need clean water, which isn’t always easy to come by.

Keep in mind that some squirrel feeders include a place to fill with clean water, so keep that in mind while making your selection. You could even put water in a heated birdbath for squirrels to use in the winter.

3. Assists Squirrels in Surviving the Winter

As the time for hibernation approaches, squirrels must ensure that they have enough food to last them through the winter. Giving them food makes things a bit simpler for them, and it also offers them a safe place to go when they need something else.

Squirrels in Your Backyard: What to Feed Them

Many people give birdseed, grain, or table leftovers to squirrels. While some of these items aren’t bad, they aren’t very nutritious. Fortunately, squirrels like a variety of meals that are both nutritious and tasty. Among them are…


Squirrels are well-known for their fondness for nuts. If you already have a nut-producing tree in your yard, you’re already providing an excellent food source for the squirrels! Planting a few nut-producing trees in your yard is one technique to attract additional squirrels if you don’t already have any.

Nuts in their shells, whether directly off the tree or not, are the greatest meal you can feed a squirrel. It is particularly beneficial to them if you supply a variety of nuts so that they may receive the full advantages.

However, not all nuts are made equal. Squirrels may be harmed by certain types, so be cautious when picking what to give them. The finest and worst nuts to feed squirrels are described below.

Squirrel-friendly nuts include:

  • Hazelnuts
  • Butternuts
  • Hickory Nuts are a kind of nut that comes from the hick
  • Pecans
  • Walnuts
  • Acorns from White Oaks (Low Tannin)

Squirrels’ least favorite nuts are:

  • Peanuts in their natural state
  • Acorns from Red Oaks (High Tannin)

In moderation, squirrels may be fed roasted peanuts, peanut butter, and pistachios, although they aren’t the greatest nuts to offer them.


Squirrels like a wide range of fruits. Squirrels like climbing around fruit trees, just as they do nut trees, and getting some sweet, delectable fruit. If you already have a fruit tree, you’ll probably want to keep the fruit for yourself rather than feeding it to the neighborhood squirrels.

Fruits including apples, cantaloupes, grapes, strawberries, and melons should be left out in tiny portions. They prefer non-citrus fruits in general.


If you have a vegetable garden, you know that squirrels will devour just about every vegetable they can get their hands on. Squirrels adore fresh vegetables because they are a good source of nourishment. Leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, peas, zucchini, or yellow squash are all good options.


Squirrels are notorious for stealing from bird feeders, so they must like seeds, right? They will consume seeds, and although they aren’t bad for them, they aren’t the ideal choice.

However, feeding squirrels seeds in moderation is OK. After pumpkin carving, feel free to toss away any remaining pumpkin seeds. They’ll eat the pumpkin seeds and portions of the shell as well.

Feeding Squirrels in Your Backyard: What to Avoid

Processed Food or Human Junk Food

We’re all aware that junk food isn’t very good for us nutritionally. Candy, chips, and other processed meals are poor in nutritional content and are thus unsuitable for squirrels. Squirrels have trouble digesting cellulose, thus giving them bread or other cellulose-containing meals may make them unwell.

Remember that if something doesn’t grow and live in nature, it’s generally not the ideal choice for wildlife.


While most nuts are more than okay for squirrels, peanuts are a different story. Peanuts, specifically Peanuts in their natural state, may contain a fungus that can hurt squirrels. Peanut butter or roasted peanuts are okay to feed them here and there but are still not the best option for them.

Seeds of the Niger

Nothing terrible will happen if you put out Seeds of the Niger, but squirrels simply don’t like them.

On the plus side, however, birds love Seeds of the Niger! So, if you have a bird feeder, add some Seeds of the Niger into the mix to prevent squirrels from stealing all of the bird food.


Corn on the cob may be a squirrel’s favorite food, but it isn’t very nutritious for them. For squirrels, corn is essentially junk food. Squirrels may be fed maize in moderation if you make sure to offer them with nutritional alternatives on a regular basis.

Squirrels Eat a Variety of Foods


Despite the fact that squirrels are mostly vegetarians, bones are an excellent source of calcium for them. Squirrels will eat animal bones or deer antlers in a variety of ways.

Even though squirrels like animal bones, you’ll need to think about whether or not that’s a good idea for your yard. It’s advisable to stick to the other recommendations in this post if you have pets that may choke on them.


If a squirrel is unable to get nuts, fruits, or vegetables, little insects will suffice to meet their protein requirements. Caterpillars, flying beetles, butterflies, and crickets, if they can get their hands on them, are some of the creatures squirrels adore.


Squirrels enjoy foraging in a variety of places, not only trees. There are a variety of fungus that squirrels like eating, depending on the environment. Plant some mushrooms near where you’ll be feeding the squirrels as a bonus for them if you’re up for it!

Last Thoughts

Squirrels are opportunistic eaters, and would gladly eat pie or cake all day. They’ll eat just about anything you leave for them. However, if you want to make sure they are taken care of, correctly choosing Squirrels in Your Backyard: What to Feed Them is essential.

Fill a squirrel feeder with a variety of nuts, fruits, and veggies that they may eat or preserve for later. Choosing a feeder with a water container is very beneficial for squirrels if you have the option.

The “what to feed squirrels in winter” is a question that has been asked for many years. The answer to the question is not easy, but it will be much easier if you follow these steps:.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I feed the squirrels in my yard?

A: Squirrels are omnivores, so they will eat many things. You can feed them seeds, nuts and other types of food that is typically eaten by squirrels.

What is the best thing to feed squirrels?

A: Squirrels are omnivores and can eat many different types of food. The best thing for them to eat is a nutritionally balanced diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and plenty of water.

What do you feed neighborhood squirrels?

A: This is a very difficult question. I would recommend finding some online information on the subject of squirrels and their diet to answer this for you.

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